Procurement Services' Response to COVID-19 Frequently Asked Questions
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I have questions regarding travel, travel cancellations, travel restrictions, travel reimbursement, and documenting credits/refunds due to COVID-19. Where can I get answers?
Please see the Travel Frequently Asked Questions found at: Information regarding reimbursement and documenting credits/refunds due to COVID-19 can be found in the University Travel section of the FAQ.
Is Procurement Services aware of any delays or long lead times for products?
At this time we are aware that many computer items may be significantly delayed due to supply chain issues as a result of COVID-19.
Some health-related items are also experiencing shortages or significant delays.
Hotspot/Jetpacks/Mifi devices
These items are in VERY limited supply. We have been working with our contracted Suppliers for alternative options and solutions, but it could several weeks to get the items ordered and delivered. If you have a device and need it upgraded, that will potentially take longer due to the limited supply. If this is an item that your departments or units would not typically purchase, but is being purchased in response to COVID-19 please track the purchase with the COVID-19 Department Detail DD11790.
- If you currently have a device, but your connection is poor, consider where you are located within your house (in a basement or a room with no windows are not the best places for a signal to reach you) or where you are located within the service area. Please check your service provider coverage maps for reference. For other technical device issues, you will need to contact the provider directly for technical support. Verizon 1-800-922-0204 US Cellular 1-800-305-2501
When should I use the COVID-19 Department Detail (DD)?
Any expenses incurred as well as any credits/refunds received that are directly related to COVID-19 or the COVID-19 response should be tracked with the COVID-19 Department Detail DD11790. Please use the COVID-19 Department Detail DD11790 if the items being purchased are items that your departments or units would not typically purchase, but they are being purchased in response to COVID-19.
Specific examples include:
- Cleaning supplies, hand sanitizer, and other personal protective equipment (PPE) - please make sure that there is a clear business purpose and only apply the COVID-19 DD11790 to purchases outside of the department or unit's routine orders.
- Web cams, tripods, hotspots, and other equipment necessary for going 100% online
- Cancellation costs and travel change fees (for additional information, including how to document, see:
- Refunds and credits for travel (for additional information, including how to document, see:
- Refunds and credits from cancelled events (for additional information, including how to document, see:
Should departments or units move costs that were charged and incurred prior to the creation of the COVID-19 Department Detail (DD)?
Yes, if the expenses incurred are directly related to the COVID-19 response, even if they were charged and incurred prior to the creation of the COVID-19 DD, should be tracked with the COVID-19 DD11790. This is true for credits/refunds received by a department prior to the creation of the COVID-19 DD as well.
Where can I order cleaning wipes, hand sanitizer, masks, etc.?
Supervisors can request cloth face coverings in bulk for employees through Central Stores. Additional supplies can also be ordered through Central Stores. Your patience continues to be appreciated as supply chain issues are creating challenges for all retailers as well as the university.
Copy Machines: how do I clean them without damaging the screens and operation panels?
Use disinfecting wipes or sprays and a lint-free microfiber cloth. Do NOT spray directly on the device’s surfaces or components, instead spray the cloth and then wipe the machine. Avoid using paper towels as they may scratch the screens. Also, avoid using bleach, ammonia, or other harsh cleaning solvents as these products may cause the screen to become clouded.
If you have a RICOH copier, a printable PDF containing cleaning reminders and information about their Smart Device Connector is available: PDF
If you have a TOSHIBA copier, a printable PDF containing cleaning reminders is available: PDF
You can also recommend that employees bring a stylus from their office when using the copy machine. Using a stylus is an excellent alternative to touching the screen directly.
What should I do if I have purchase orders or contracts that may need to be suspended, canceled, or changed?
Contract Procurement Services at, or the Procurement Agent who handled the contract, regarding any contracts or purchase orders that need to be suspended, canceled or changed. Please make sure to include the PO-####### or SCN-#######.
Can I continue to order through cyBUY?
Yes, at this time all cyBUY suppliers are able to fulfill orders. Please note that items should continue to be shipped to your regular university office address when ordering.
If the items being purchased are items that your departments or units would not typically purchase, but they are being purchased in response to COVID-19 please track the purchase with the COVID-19 Department Detail DD11790.
If you have questions about receiving shipments please see the How do I receive shipments? section of this FAQ
Will Procurement Services be processing new purchase requisitions and contract requests?
Yes, Procurement Services will continue to process all transactions, although individuals may be working remotely.
If the items being purchased are items that your departments or units would not typically purchase, but they are being purchased in response to COVID-19 please track the purchase with the COVID-19 Department Detail DD11790.
If you have questions about receiving shipments please see the How do I receive shipments? section of this FAQ
What do I do about my P-Card transactions and reconciling my receipts now that I'm working from home?
P-card transactions still need to be reconciled in a timely fashion as this helps us to prevent fraud, allows transactions to post to appropriate funding sources, ensures accurate financial reporting, and in many cases allows the university to collect funding for the expense. We only have 60 days after the statement date to identify transactions as fraudulent or to dispute transactions and have them credited back by our provider, U.S. Bank. If the transaction is not identified as fraudulent or in dispute within that 60 day period, the university is liable for that charge, even if it is fraudulent, and the cardholder could be held liable by their department.
Please use one of the following options to reconcile your P-Card transactions:
- If you have an electronic receipt, please upload that as your documentation for the transaction OR forward the electronic receipt, along with your university business purpose and the worktag to which the expense should be charged, to the person reconciling the transaction.
- If you have receipts that are not electronic, please take a photo of the receipts as your documentation for the transaction and upload the photos OR forward the photos, along with your university business purpose and the worktag to which the expense should be charged, to the person reconciling the transaction.
- If you have paper receipts in your office, please:
- visit your office briefly, making sure to maintain social distancing guidelines, and either scan or take photos of the receipts. You will then upload the scans or photos OR forward the scans or photos, along with your university business purpose and the worktag to which the expense should be charged, to the person reconciling the transaction.
- visit your office briefly making sure to maintain social distancing guidelines, bring home the receipts, and take photos of the receipts. You will then upload the photos OR forward the photos, along with your university business purpose and the worktag to which the expense should be charged, to the person reconciling the transaction.
- compose an email regarding your inability to leave your home and include a statement such as “I will forward the receipt for upload into Workday when I return to my office.” You will then upload that as your documentation for the transaction OR forward that e-mail message, along with your university business purpose and the worktag to which the expense should be charged, to the person reconciling the transaction.
How do I receive shipments?
Incoming USPS Mail & Campus Mail Deliveries
Postal & Parcel Services Staff will continue to deliver to all regular delivery points on campus at the regular schedule.
For locked buildings where entry card access is not available, arrangements will have to be made for your mail to be picked up. Please contact Postal & Parcel Services at 4-4283 to make these arrangements.
Incoming Campus Packages from UPS, FedEx, DHL, etc.
Effective Monday (3/23/20) – Due to ISU campus closures and restrictions, all inbound campus packages (UPS, FedEx, DHL, etc.) will be directed to ISU Central Receiving. Postal and Parcel Services will not be involved with incoming deliveries from these companies.
Your regular office or delivery address should continue to be used when ordering.
ISU Central Receiving will work directly with all Building Supervisors to schedule last mile deliveries to campus. All building occupants need to work directly with their Building Supervisors on when and where they can pick up their packages. Building Supervisors can be found at:
The location and status of all packages can be tracked through the ISU Central Receiving Tracking Tool:
Due to current circumstances, delivery delays are expected. ISU Central Receiving will continue to deliver all items as soon as possible.
Packages can be picked up from the ISU Central Receiving Facility on an as needed basis. No package can be picked up if it is not critical in nature (risk to research, operations, health, etc.).
To pick up package(s) at ISU Central Receiving:
Verify your package(s) have been delivered to ISU Central Receiving using our package tracking tool:
Call 515-294-1804 to schedule pick up
Pick up your scheduled package at the ISU Central Receiving Facility – 2105 East Lincoln Way, Ames, IA 50010, M-F 8:00AM-3:00PM
Please remember that personal items of any type should not be received or dispatched using University resources. ISU Central Receiving will not accept personal packages nor be responsible for any lost or damaged packages.
Use caution when handling mail or parcel items, it may be beneficial to wear gloves when handling, and be sure to wash your hands after handling.
Can I have orders shipped to my house?
Most items should continue to be shipped to the university and university offices. Exceptions are being made if employees are working primarily from home and need specific work from home items including webcams, microphones, and books. Any other item(s) will need to receive a specific exception to allow university property to be delivered to a home address.
A specific exception can be requested by sending an email to which contains the items you would like to purchase and the reason the university property needs to be delivered to a home address.
Can I still send mail?
Postal and Parcel Services will be open regular working hours of 8AM to 5PM Monday through Friday.
All mailing and shipping services will remain available unless otherwise specified by the shipping suppliers. To ensure that an item can be dispatched from campus, please have it ready at your building’s mailroom location for collection by Postal and Parcel Services Route Drivers.
Postal and Parcel Services discourages the hand delivery of mail and packages to their offices, as they would like to minimize the number of people that their staff are exposed to. However, EH&S related hazardous or regulated shipments must still be delivered in person.
Please remember that personal items of any type should not be received or dispatched using University resources.
Can I still pick up or get my Travel and Hospitality (T&H) Card or P-Card if I have attended training?
At this time we would prefer to mail the cards to your home or office, please contact to make arrangements.
Will Procurement Services still provide training to Iowa State University Employees?
If you have signed up for any training from Procurement Services through Learn@ISU, including upcoming cyBUY Amazon Business Training, Purchasing Card Orientation, and/or Travel & Hospitality Card Orientation, we will be moving these to virtual sessions. Those registered will receive communication directly from the instructors of those sessions.
How should donations made by ISU units (e.g. PPE, equipment, other COVID-19 related supplies) to internal or external units be recorded or handled? Are there central approvals that are needed before a donation is made?
Prior to donating or accepting any donations, please contact Paul Richmond at or 294-9698.
How should I contact Procurement Services for assistance?
Please use the following e-mail addresses:
- For cyBUY related questions please use
- For Travel and Hospitality (T&H) Card OR P-Card questions please use
- For Travel and Travel Cancellation questions please use
- For general questions please use
You may also contact individual Procurement Services Employees using their direct phone or e-mail found on our staff page.