
Card Application for Purchasing Card (P-Card) or Travel and Hospitality (T&H Card)

Applicants will need to submit a request for a card through the Create Request task in Workday (Knowledge Base Article) and plan to attend a required orientation session to obtain an Iowa State University Credit Card.

P-Cards and T&H Cards are available to all Iowa State University faculty, staff, and graduate assistants with the approval of cardholder’s supervisor and the department or unit’s cost center manager. Hourly employees are not eligible to have a P-Card or T&H Card.  Additional information about the process can be found on the How to Get a Card webpage.


Certificate of Missing Receipt

The Certificate of Missing Receipt should be used to document a purchase on an Iowa State University Credit Card in the instance that an itemized receipt is not available from the supplier


Conflict of Interest Form

A Conflict of Interest Form should be provided when requesting a new supplier be added to Workday or when requesting payments to individuals that are allowable on a Supplier Invoice.

To determine when a Supplier Invoice, an Ad Hoc Payment, purchase order, or supplier contract will be utilized for the payment and whether or not a Conflict of Interest Form is required, please see the information provided on the Controller’s Department Website.


Contract Request

The Contract Request Form should be used whenever you have an agreement that needs signed, if there are terms and conditions that you need to agree to (even if you are getting something for free), or when you know you need a Supplier Contract set up in Workday.


Equipment Purchase

The Purchasing Equipment Form should be used to determine if assistance is needed from Facilities Planning and Management and whether or not an FPM Request for Services Form is needed for the purchase. You will need to save and attach the completed Purchasing Equipment Form to your non-catalog or cyBUY requisition when requesting piece of equipment be purchased.

Additional information regarding the purchase of equipment can be found on the Purchasing Equipment webpage.


P-Card and T&H Card Change Form

Cardholders may use this form on Workday to request changes to an active P-Card or T&H Card. This form must be filled out by the cardholder for the form to route to the correct approvers. Requests on this form can be for limit increases (single purchase limit or cycle credit limit) or any other special requests the cardholder may have. Please see the Card Change Request Knowledge Base Article for assistance. 


Purchasing Card Transaction Log

Purchasing Card Transaction Log can be used by cardholders to track P-Card and T&H Card purchases and assure that they have all of the information needed to complete the verification in Workday.

This log can also be used by cardholders to assure that they are providing all of the information needed by their ISD team to complete the verification in Workday.


Recognize a Member of the Procurement Services Team

We have two Recognition Forms that can be used to provide recognition to a Procurement Services Employee for their outstanding work!


Research Participant or Property Receipt Form

The Research Participation Receipt and Property Receipt Form should be used when a research participant or any non-research distribution of cash, gift cards, or other property for university business purposes.

Additional information regarding cash, gift cards, and other property and research participant payments can be found on the Controller’s Department Website.


Sales Tax Exemption Request

The Iowa Sales Tax Exemption Request Form should be used to request a tax exemption certificate for the State of Iowa. Once submitted, Procurement Services will complete the certificate and send a PDF to you and/or the supplier.

The Sales Tax Information page contains the tax-exemption certificates for the additional states in which Iowa State University is tax-exempt.


Share Your Feedback With Us

The Feedback Form should be used to provide feedback to Procurement Services and can be used to submit feedback, suggestions, or comments anonymously OR with your name attached so that we can follow up with you if there are questions.


Sole Source Request

The Sole Source Request Form is required if a request is made to purchase a product or service from only one supplier and the purchase will exceed Iowa State’s bid limit of $50,000. You will need to save and attach the completed Sole Source Request Form to your non-catalog requisition.

Additional information regarding Sole Sourcing can be found on the Sole Source Procurement webpage.


Request Supplier Change in Workday

When requesting a foreign supplier be added for either a Non-Catalog Requisition or a Supplier Invoice, wire instructions will be needed.  Please send the foreign suppliers' international wire instructions OR the completed Wire Instructions From Foreign Suppliers Form to with your request to have the foreign supplier added.

If you are unsure if you need a Non-Catalog Requisition or a Supplier Invoice, please visit the Procurement and Payment Methods webpage to determine which should be used for payment.