Procurement and Payment Methods
Iowa State University Procurement Services Department has identified certain procurements and expenditures that do not require a purchase order be processed. These acquisitions can be made for the university by departmental personnel, with the department’s funding approval; using authority delegated by the Procurement Services Department. Suitable methods of acquiring these items and completing payment are noted below, along with the Additional Restrictions/Limitations that apply. Methods may include the P-Card (up to the cardholder’s p-card limit), a T&H Card (up to the cardholder's T&H Card limit), a non-catalog requisition, a Workday supplier invoice, or an Ad Hoc payment with appropriate documentation.
All other expenditures not listed below must be requested through the Procurement Services Department by submitting a request for a non-catalog requisition in Workday or completing a Contract Request Form on the Procurement Services Website. All other purchases require authorization from Procurement Services prior to any commitment being made.
Transactions involving a Conflict of Interest (COI) Supplier require prior approval and must be handled by the Procurement Services Department. Initiate the request to purchase from a conflict of interest supplier by submitting a non-catalog requisition in Workday and identifying the nature of the conflict of interest (see Conflict of Interest).
Tip: Press ctrl + F to search this page for keywords.
- Advertising (newspaper, journal)
- Alcoholic beverages
- Animal cages
- Animals (laboratory or livestock)
- Appliances
- Art Licensing Rights, Royalty, and Copyright Payments
- Art Sales through Workspace in the Memorial Union
- Artwork
- Automatic Electronic Defibrillators (AEDs)
- Awards, Prizes & Recognition
- Books, Publications, and Periodicals
- Booth rentals
- Catering (Event Charges)
- Cell Phones/Internet (see also: Telephones)
- Commissions (Art)
- Communication Technology Allowance
- Computers, laptops, iPads and tablets or components to assemble as a CPU
- Construction services or repairs to facilities
- Controlled substances
- Copiers and copier supplies
- Cylinder gases
- Data access services
- Data analysis (routine services)
- Data networking equipment/switches
- Donations
- Drones
- Drugs
- Editing
- Entertainers
- Equipment (items valued at >$5,000)
- Equipment Rental (Events)
- Event Charges and Fees
- Fees
- Fines and Penalties
- Firearms and Ammunition
- Flowers
- Foreign Countries or Entities
- Freight and Shipping Chargexs
- Fuel
- Furniture/furnishings
- Gasoline
- Gifts
- Goods or services from conflict of interest (COI) suppliers
- Graphic Design
- Guest Lecturer
- Hazardous Materials
- Honoraria
- Hospitality
- Internship Stipends
- Immigration (Visa) Filing Fees
- Job Announcements (Newspaper, Journal)
- Judges
- Lab Testing (Routine Services)
- Leases/Lease-Purchases/Rentals
- Legal Fees & Services
- License Fees (pesticide applicator, trailers, vehicles)
- Liquid nitrogen
- Meals and refreshments for guests/interviewees/students (Hospitality)
- Memberships/Dues for professional organizations
- Moving Expenses
- Notary Public Fees
- Office Supplies
- Online auction services (e.g., e-bay)
- Paying Cash or Gift Card to Recipients
- Personal use items
- Petty Cash
- Pharmaceuticals
- Prepayments
- Printing/photocopying/business cards/letterhead
- Prizes
- Professional Services
- Publication Fees
- Radioactive materials/hazardous materials
- Referees/Judges
- Refunds
- Registration (conferences, training sessions, professional development seminars, etc.)
- Reimbursements to County Extension Offices
- Repairs (Routine Services)
- Reprints or Page Charges
- Research/Survey Participants
- Routers/hubs/wireless access points
- Routine Services
- Small equipment rental (Routine Services)
- Software
- Speaker/Guest Lecturer
- Sponsorship (Support of conference or organization)
- Stipends
- Subscription Fees
- Supplies/Incidental Purchases
- Technical Services
- Telephones, cordless telephones, IP telephones, cell phones, and related equipment
- Trade of ISU property
- Training (Routine Services)
- Transcription (Routine Services)
- Translation (Routine Services)
- Travel Advances/Expenses for Employees
- Travel Advances/Expenses for Non-Employees
- Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)
- Utilities
- Visa and Immigration Filing Fees
- Weapons
- Other Goods and Services Not Listed
The following guidelines identify common expenditures and the acceptable methods of procurement or payment:
Description |
Situation |
How to make the purchase |
Documentation Required |
Advertising/Job Announcements (Newspaper, Journal) |
Up to your P-Card limit AND supplier does not require a signed agreement and does not have a conflict of interest. |
Contact supplier and pay with P-Card | Invoice or order form |
Supplier requires a signed agreement OR has a conflict of interest - regardless of cost |
Submit a request to Finance Service Delivery or enter a non-catalog requisition in Workday (Knowledge Base Article) |
Agreement, quote, or order form | |
Less than $100 | Email request for Ad Hoc Payment to | ||
Spend Category: SC10894 Advertising - Job Posting This spend category should be used to record the cost of advertisements for job postings in any type of media (newspaper, journal, website, etc.). |
Greater than or = $100 | Email request for Supplier Invoice to | Invoice or order form and |
Alcoholic Beverages | Cannot be charged to any Worktag other than agency funds or general support ISU Foundation funds unless the use is for cooking, research, or course study. Uses for cooking, research or course study need to be reviewed by the Office of Risk Management to assure compliance with alcohol licenses. For additional information, see and | ||
Animals, Laboratory or Livestock, Animal Cages, Aquariums, as well as all Live Vertebrate Animals |
Refer to the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) website to determine the appropriate approvals needed for your purchase. |
Up to your P-Card limit AND cost of item is less than $5,000 |
Contact supplier and pay with P-Card |
Invoice or order form | |
Spend Category for those <$5,000: SC10486 Spend Category for those > or = $5,000: SC10226 |
Above your P-Card limit OR |
Submit a request to Finance Service Delivery or enter a non-catalog requisition in Workday (Knowledge Base Article) or purchase through cyBUY |
Agreement, quote, or order form |
Situation |
How to make the purchase |
Documentation Required |
Art Licensing Rights, Royalty, Copyright Payments | Up to your P-Card limit AND supplier does not require a signed agreement and does not have a conflict of interest. | Contact supplier and pay with P-Card | Invoice or order form |
Supplier requires a signed agreement OR has a conflict of interest - regardless of cost | Submit a request to Finance Service Delivery or enter a non-catalog requisition in Workday (Knowledge Base Article) | Agreement, quote, or order form | |
Spend Category: SC10012 Royalty, Copyright Payments | In all other instances | Email request for Supplier Invoice to | Invoice or order form and Have Supplier/Payee Register in Workday |
Situation |
How to make the purchase |
Documentation Required |
Art Sales
In all instances | Email request for Ad Hoc Payment to | Documentation to show how the commission was calculated. |
Spend Category: SC10414 Resale/Cost of Goods Sold | |||
Artwork | Should not be procured for individual offices, as this is viewed as personal and is not to be paid by university funds. Artwork for public spaces is allowable. | ||
Automatic Electronic Defibrillators (AEDs) | Must only be ordered through Procurement Services as the university has standardized on a specific type and AED’s require proper installation and training (see AED policy). Submit a request to Finance Service Delivery or enter a non-catalog requisition in Workday (Knowledge Base Article). |
Situation |
How to make the purchase |
Documentation Required |
Awards, Prizes & Recognition Acquiring Non-Cash items |
Up to your P-Card limit AND supplier does not have a conflict of interest. |
Contact supplier and pay with P-Card | Invoice or order form |
Spend Category: SC10920 Prizes & Gifts (Non-monetary items) | Above your P-Card limit or supplier has a conflict of interest | Submit a request to Finance Service Delivery or enter a non-catalog requisition in Workday (Knowledge Base Article) | Agreement, quote, or order form |
Situation |
How to make the purchase |
Documentation Required |
Purchasing a Gift Card | Visit Purchasing Gift Cards | Documentation required for each type of gift card can be found under the documentation required button on Purchasing Gift Cards | |
Awards, Prizes & Recognition
For Gift Cards, please visit Purchasing Gift Cards. |
Less than $100 | Email request for Ad Hoc Payment to | Research Participant Receipt and Property Receipt Form |
$100 - $2,000 | Email request for payment to | Conflict of Interest Form | |
Controllers Department Additional Compensation/Payments for Faculty, Staff, Students | Greater than $2,000 | Email request for supplier invoice to | Have Supplier/Payee Register in Workday |
Spend Category: SC10921 Monetary Awards or Gift Cards | Awards for ISU employees for work related to their job must go through Payroll | Email request for One-Time Payment to | Description of request, reason for request, amount, and Worktag |
Situation |
How to make the purchase |
Documentation Required |
Books, Publications, and Periodicals
SC10098 Books/Publications/Magazines |
Up to your P-Card limit AND supplier does not require a signed agreement and does not have a conflict of interest. | Contact supplier and pay with P-Card | Invoice or order form |
Above your P-Card limit OR Supplier requires a signed agreement OR has a conflict of interest - regardless of cost | Submit a request to Finance Service Delivery or enter a non-catalog requisition in Workday (Knowledge Base Article) | Agreement, quote, or order form | |
Situation |
How to make the purchase |
Documentation Required |
Cell Phones/Internet
Spend Category: SC10192 Telecommunications - Cellular Telephones, SC10390 Telecommunications |
Departmental-University owned cell phone | Contact for assistance in setting up an account | Itemized billing for each month being paid |
Reimbursement for cell phone for foreign travel | Submit a request to Finance Service Delivery or enter a non-catalog requisition in Workday (Knowledge Base Article) | Itemized billing for each month being paid | |
Email request for an allowance earning to | Communication Technology Allowance Request Form | ||
Computers, Laptops, iPads, Tablets, or Components to Assemble as a CPU | Are available to purchase through university wide contracts with Dell, Apple, CDWG, and B&H Photo. Dell, CDWG, and B&H Photo can be found in the cyBUY Marketplace. Apple and Dell products can be purchased through TechCyte at the ISU Bookstore. |
Construction Services or Repairs to Facilities as well as all Modifications to Building | Must be authorized through FP&M. | ||
Spend Category: SC10126 Controlled Substances |
Must route through Procurement Services on a requisition or through cyBUY suppliers as documentation and control issues require tracking of orders, Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) number. Submit a request to Finance Service Delivery or enter a non-catalog requisition in Workday (Knowledge Base Article). |
Must be procured through Chemistry Stores. | |||
Situation |
How to make the purchase |
Documentation Required |
Data Access Services Payment for access to data inclicing: Dun and Bradstreet, Weather Service Data, Survey Data, etc. |
Up to your P-Card limit AND supplier does not require a signed agreement and does not have a conflict of interest. | Contact supplier and pay with P-Card. | Invoice, order form, or purchase confirmation from website |
Above P-Card Limit, Supplier requires a signed agreement, OR Supplier has a conflict of interest - regardless of cost | Submit a request to Finance Service Delivery or enter a non-catalog requisition in Workday (Knowledge Base Article) | Agreement, quote, or order form | |
Spend Category: SC10363 Data Access Services | |||
Data Networking Equipment/Switches/Routers/Hubs/Wireless Access Points and any Device that plugs into the Data Network | Must be requested through Procurement Services (see wireless policy). | ||
Donations (Flowers, Gifts, Money) |
Conditionally Allowable: Flowers for official university events, gifts of reasonable cost for recognition of employee achievements, and flowers sent for the funeral or hospitalization of an employee or their immediate family. Review the Allowability and Appropriateness Manual for information about allowable funding sources. |
See also: Awards, Prizes & Recognition Acquiring Non-Cash items and Awards, Prizes & Recognition |
Payment Methods: Flowers and gifts may be purchased using a P-Card. Monetary donations to a company may be paid via P-Card or a Supplier Invoice. Email request for Supplier Invoice to Documentation Required: Invoice or order form, W-8 or W-9, and Conflict of Interest Form |
Spend Category: SC10240 Donations |
Unallowable: Gifts to employees or students for recognition of personal events such as graduations, birthdays, holidays, weddings, wedding anniversaries, or baby showers are not allowable from any funding source. | ||
Drones/Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) Spend Category: SC10633 Unmanned Aerial Vehicles |
May be procured through cyBUY suppliers or through a requisition. See the Policy Library for information on purchasing Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: | ||
Situation |
How to make the purchase |
Documentation Required |
Examples: musicians, performers, comedians, DJ’s, vocalists/singers. Any events with fireworks, pyrotechnics, or inflatables require a non-catalog requisition.
Spend Category: SC10111 Entertainers/Entertainment Contracts |
Supplier requires a signed agreement OR has a conflict of interest - regardless of cost | Submit a request to Finance Service Delivery or enter a non-catalog requisition in Workday (Knowledge Base Article) | Agreement, quote, or order form |
Less than or = $2000 | Email request for Non-Employee Honoraria to | Conflict of Interest Form | |
Over $2000 | Email request for Non-Employee Honoraria to | Have Supplier/Payee Register in Workday | |
Situation |
How to make the purchase |
Documentation Required |
Event Charges and Fees Including: Table Rentals, Booth Rentals, Electrical/Data Connect Services, Catering or Equipment Rental |
Up to your P-Card (or your T&H Card for catering) limit AND supplier does not require a signed agreement and does not have a conflict of interest. | Contact supplier and pay with P-Card. | Invoice or order form |
Above your P-Card limit OR Supplier requires a signed agreement OR has a conflict of interest - regardless of cost | Submit a request to Finance Service Delivery or enter a non-catalog requisition in Workday (Knowledge Base Article) | Agreement, quote, or order form | |
Spend Category: SC10618 Rentals (without IDC) for long-term rentals, SC10172 Rentals (with IDC) for short-term rentals, SC10291 Catering | |||
Equipment (items valued at >$5,000, with a useful life of more than 1 year and tagable for inventory) |
Must be ordered through cyBUY or on a requisition as these can require additional approvals and tracking for inventory. Submit a request to Finance Service Delivery or enter a non-catalog requisition in Workday (Knowledge Base Article). |
Situation |
How to make the purchase |
Documentation Required |
Fees Academic Testing, Accreditations, Entrance Fees, Licenses (pesticide applicator, trailers, vehicles), Notary Public Fees, Periodicals, Publications, Subscriptions |
Up to your P-Card limit AND supplier does not require a signed agreement and does not have a conflict of interest. | Contact supplier and pay with P-Card | Invoice or order form |
Supplier requires a signed agreement OR has a conflict of interest - regardless of cost | Submit a request to Finance Service Delivery or enter a non-catalog requisition in Workday (Knowledge Base Article) | Agreement, quote, or order form | |
Less than $100 | Email request for Ad Hoc Payment to | Invoice or order form | |
Spend Category: SC10827 Licenses and Permits, SC10277 Subscriptions/Memberships/Dues, SC10923 Filing Fees - Immigration Services | Greater than or = $100 | Email request for Supplier Invoice to | Invoice or order form and Have Supplier/Payee Register in Workday |
Fines and Penalties | Contact Procurement Services. | ||
Firearms/Weapons/Ammunition | Must be procured on a requisition. Submit a request to Finance Service Delivery or enter a non-catalog requisition in Workday (Knowledge Base Article) . | ||
Foreign Countries or Entities | Payments to foreign countries or entities on the Federal OFAC list are strictly prohibited. | ||
Situation |
How to make the purchase |
Documentation Required |
Freight/Shipping Charges
Spend Category: SC10153 Shipping/Freight Fees |
FedEx, UPS, and DHL payments when shipping charges from a supplier are charged separate from the rest of the order and they are under your P-Card limit. | Contact supplier and pay with P-Card | Invoice or order form |
Using FedEx, UPS, or DHL to send/ship something. | Contact Iowa State University Postal and Parcel Services | ||
Above your P-Card limit or |
Submit a request to Finance Service Delivery or enter a non-catalog requisition in Workday (Knowledge Base Article) | Invoice or order form | |
Furniture/Furnishings | Must route to Procurement Services on a requisition. The university has policies regarding furniture and maintains contracts for these items. Enter a non-catalog requisition in Workday (Knowledge Base Article) or submit a request to Finance Service Delivery. |
(Except as authorized by University Transportation Services)
The university has fleet cards for ISU vehicles or pays mileage reimbursement for personal vehicles. To purchase motor fuel, heating fuel, and/or LP gas, submit a request to Finance Service Delivery, or enter a non-catalog requisition in Workday (Knowledge Base Article). To request ongoing (year or more) fuel needs, a supplier contract request form will need to be completed. |
Goods or Services from Conflict of Interest (COI) Suppliers | These purchases have special university, federal, and Board of Regents policies and must be handled and reported by the Procurement Services Department (see Conflict of Interest Policy – Procurement). Submit a request to Finance Service Delivery or enter a non-catalog requisition in Workday (Knowledge Base Article). |
Situation |
How to make the purchase |
Documentation Required |
HonorariaA payment to a person for services in a volunteer capacity for services for which fees are not traditionally required (ex: judge in a contest, participating in a panel discussion). Not to be used for a company, business entity, or anyone who performs services as a career including: professional or technical advice or consulting, performances (comedic, dramatic, musical), and professional speakers. |
Less than or = $2000 | Email request for Non-Employee Honoraria to | Conflict of Interest Form |
Spend Category: SC10919 Honoraria | Over $2000 | Email request for Non-Employee Honoraria to | Have Supplier/Payee Register in Workday |
Situation |
How to make the purchase |
Documentation Required |
Hospitality Meals and refreshments for guests/interviewees/students (see Summary of Allowable Travel Expenses) |
Up to your T&H Card limit AND supplier does not require a signed agreement and does not have a conflict of interest. | Contact supplier and pay with T&H card. | Itemized receipts with list of attendees. |
Above your T&H Card limit OR Supplier requires a signed agreement OR has a conflict of interest - regardless of cost | Submit a request to Finance Service Delivery or enter a non-catalog requisition in Workday (Knowledge Base Article) | Agreement, quote, or order form | |
Spend Category: SC10103 Hospitality Expenses | Pay with personal funds | Enter an Expense in Workday (Knowledge Base Article) or email | Itemized receipts with list of attendees |
Situation |
How to make the purchase |
Documentation Required |
In all instances | Email request for a Supplier Invoice to | Please make sure to include the folowing in your email request: 1) Name of the international Employee. 2) The type of fee (H-1B Application, Green Card Application, Premium Processing) you are paying. |
Spend Category: SC10923 Filing Fees - Immigration Services | |||
Leases/Lease-Purchases/Rentals | Must be requested through Procurement Services as many leases and lease-purchases require Board of Regents or State of Iowa approval and rental agreements may require a signed written agreement. Contact Procurement Services to determine if a requisition or supplier contract is needed. |
Licenses for Vehicles/Trailers | Must go through Transportation Services. | ||
Legal Fees & Services | Must be requested through Procurement Services as all legal services must be authorized by university counsel. | ||
Situation |
How to make the purchase |
Documentation Required |
Memberships/Dues for Professional Organizations | Up to your P-Card limit AND supplier does not require a signed agreement and does not have a conflict of interest. | Contact supplier and pay with P-Card | Invoice or order form |
Above your P-Card limit OR Supplier requires a signed agreement OR has a conflict of interest - regardless of cost | Submit a request to Finance Service Delivery or enter a non-catalog requisition in Workday (Knowledge Base Article) | Agreement, quote, or order form | |
Less than $100 | Email request for Ad Hoc Payment to | Invoice or order form | |
Spend Category: SC10277 Subscriptions/Memberships/Dues | Greater than or = $100 | Email request for Supplier Invoice to | Invoice or order form and Have Supplier/Payee Register in Workday |
Situation |
How to make the purchase |
Documentation Required |
Moving Expenses | Before the move occurs | Submit a request to Finance Service Delivery or enter a non-catalog requisition in Workday (Knowledge Base Article) AND Email for assistance coordinating the move. |
Contact information for the person moving, moving dates, locations, and approved dollar amount. |
Spend Category: SC10121 Moving Services | After the move | Email request for reimbursement through Payroll to | Agreement, quote, or order form |
Office Supplies | Must be procured through cyBUY. The university has a competitively bid contract for office supplies available through cyBUY in Workday. Departments should utilize this contract to ensure the lowest overall pricing. Office supplies generally may not be purchased using federal funds. Detailed explanations can be found in the policy at |
Online Auction Services (e.g., e-bay) | May not be used. Contact Procurement Services for assistance. Online auctions like eBay limit our ability to qualify a supplier (seller) or determine the quality of a product. The university has limited recourse for supplier nonperformance issues and there is a risk of buying stolen goods. |
Personal Use Items | Should not be procured through any method. All items for personal use should be purchased using personal funds and not charged to or through Iowa State University. | ||
Situation |
How to make the purchase |
Documentation Required |
Petty Cash Advance | Establishing or increasing Petty Cash amount | Email request for an Ad Hoc Bank Transaction to | A Petty Cash Requisition form and uses a ledger account instead of a spend category. |
Petty Cash Reconcilement | Once the Petty Cash is spent | Email request to amend journal entry to | Receipts, Research Participant Receipt and Property Receipt Form, etc. |
Petty Cash - Return Unused Funds | Return unused funds | Email request for an Ad Hoc Bank Transaction to | No documentation is required. |
Spend Category: Choose based on the type of expense | |||
Pharmaceuticals or Drugs | These purchases are restricted and must be purchased through Procurement Services. | ||
Photocopiers and Photocopier Supplies | Should only be purchased through university contracts. May likely be included in your copier agreement or are available under university pricing agreements. | ||
Prepayments | Should generally not be made for goods or services. ISU generally limits pre-payments unless they are a generally accepted industry practice (annual subscriptions, airfare, annual memberships in professional organizations, and conference registration fees). Pre-payment limits our options in the case we do not receive the goods, receive damaged or non-complaint goods, or non-performance of services. | ||
Printing/Photocopying/Business Cards/Letterhead | Must be procured or requested through ISU Printing and Copy Services to meet Regents policy. | ||
Including architects/engineering, art conservation, auditing, grant writing, investigation, legal, consulting, marketing development, media buying, research, or search firms Spend Category: Choose one of the Professional Services categories |
Utilize the Contract vs Non-Catalog Requisition Decision Tree to determine the best method to procure the needed services. A proposal, quote, or email communication is helpful. | ||
Radioactive Materials/Hazardous Materials | Must be requested through Procurement as documentation and control issues require tracking of the orders and log number issued by EH&S. Enter a non-catalog requisition in Workday (Knowledge Base Article). | ||
Situation |
How to make the purchase |
Documentation Required |
Referees/Judges | Supplier requires a signed agreement OR has a conflict of interest - regardless of cost | Submit a request to Finance Service Delivery or enter a non-catalog requisition in Workday (Knowledge Base Article) | Agreement, quote, or order form |
Less than or = $2000 | Email request for Non-Employee Honoraria to | Conflict of Interest Form | |
Spend Category: SC10088 Services - Misc., SC10922 Athletics - Officials | Over $2000
Email request for Non-Employee Honoraria to | Have Supplier/Payee Register in Workday |
Situation |
How to make the purchase |
Documentation Required |
Refunds | In all instances | Email request for Ad Hoc Payment to | None required |
Spend Category: SC10811 Refunds - Fees, SC10817 Refunds - Other, SC10818 Refunds - Athletic Tickets, SC10819 Refunds - Educational Activities | |||
Situation |
How to make the purchase |
Documentation Required |
Registration (conferences, training sessions, professional development seminars, etc.) |
Up to your T&H Card limit AND supplier does not require a signed agreement and does not have a conflict of interest. | Contact supplier and pay with T&H card. Payment for registrations is preferred on a T&H Card, unless declined for merchant code control. If T&H Card is declined, or you do not have a T&H Card, a P-Card may be used. |
Invoice or order form |
Supplier requires a signed agreement OR has a conflict of interest - regardless of cost | Submit a request to Finance Service Delivery or enter a non-catalog requisition in Workday (Knowledge Base Article) | Agreement, quote, or order form | |
Less than $100 | Email request for Ad Hoc Payment to | Invoice or order form | |
Spend Category: SC10081 Registrations Registrations paid for by an award (unless specifically stated by sponsor that conference registration is not to be charged to travel) are to use: SC10420 for domestic travel for employees SC10421 for foreign travel for employees |
Greater than or = $100 | Email request for Supplier Invoice to | Invoice or order form and Have Supplier/Payee Register in Workday |
Situation |
How to make the purchase |
Documentation Required |
Reimbursements to County Extension Offices | In all instances | Email request for Supplier Invoice to | Receipt |
Spend Category: Choose based on the type of expense | |||
Situation |
How to make the purchase |
Documentation Required |
Reprints or Page Charges | Up to your P-Card limit AND supplier does not require a signed agreement and does not have a conflict of interest. | Contact supplier and pay with P-Card | Invoice or order form |
Supplier requires a signed agreement OR has a conflict of interest - regardless of cost | Submit a request to Finance Service Delivery or enter a non-catalog requisition in Workday (Knowledge Base Article) | Agreement, quote, or order form | |
Less than $100 | Email request for Ad Hoc Payment to | Invoice or order form | |
Spend Category: SC10281 Reprints/Page Charges | Greater than or = $100 | Email request for Supplier Invoice to | Invoice or order form and Have Supplier/Payee Register in Workday |
Situation |
How to make the purchase |
Documentation Required |
Research/Survey Participants Payments to individuals who participate in a research study or experiment. The individual should be the focus of the research. Not to be used for a company, business entity, or as a payment for services or work performed (including someone conducting the research or assisting with the research). For Gift Cards, please visit Purchasing Gift Cards. | Purchasing a Gift Card | Visit Purchasing Gift Cards | Documentation required for each type of gift card can be found under the documentation required button on Purchasing Gift Cards |
If purchasing items to give to recipients and under P-Card limit | Contact supplier and pay with P-Card | Invoice or order form and a Research Participant Receipt and Property Receipt Form |
If paying individuals less than $100 | Email request for Ad Hoc Payment to | Research Participant Receipt and Property Receipt Form | |
Spend Category: SC10619 Participant Payments | If paying individuals Greater than or = $100 | Email request for Supplier Invoice to | Research Participant Receipt and Property Receipt Form |
Situation |
How to make the purchase |
Documentation Required |
***Due to the need to protect Iowa State Univesity Intellectual Property, photography/videography, graphic design, and illustration services will always need to be submitted via a request to Finance Service Delivery or by entering a non-catalog requisition in Workday (Knowledge Base Article).
***Information about the Captioning and Transcription Services Iowa State University has contracts with can be found in the Digital Accessibility Toolkit. |
Up to your P-Card (or your T&H Card for catering) limit AND supplier does not require a signed agreement and does not have a conflict of interest. Payment can only be made after work has been performed. Except in the case of Photography/videography, graphic design, and illustration services. (see ***note to the left). |
Contact supplier and pay with P-Card | Invoice or order form |
Spend Category: Choose based on the type of expense | Supplier does not accept P-Card (or T&H Card for catering), cost is over P-Card (or T&H Card for catering) limit, requires a signed agreement OR has a conflict of interest OR intellectual property is involved - regardless of cost | Submit a request to Finance Service Delivery or enter a non-catalog requisition in Workday (Knowledge Base Article) or for ongoing services (one year or more) complete the Contract Request Form on the Procurement Services website. |
Agreement, quote, or order form |
Situation |
How to make the purchase |
Documentation Required |
Software Iowa State University has many site licenses and supplier contracts already in place for software, please email to see if there is an existing license or contracted pricing that you can take advantage of.
Any new software must be approved by IT through the Request a Software Review before the new software may be purchased.
Additional information, including a step-by-step walkthrough for purchasing software, can be found here. |
Up to your P-Card limit AND supplier does not require a signed agreement and does not have a conflict of interest. AND you have completed a Request a Software Review form AND received approval from IT if this is new software. |
Contact supplier and pay with P-Card. |
Invoice or order form, AND approval from IT if this is new software. |
Above your P-Card limit OR Supplier requires a signed agreement OR has a conflict of interest - regardless of cost AND you have completed a Request a Software Review form and received approval from IT if this is new software. |
Submit a request to Finance Service Delivery or enter a non-catalog requisition in Workday
Agreement, quote, or order form AND approval from IT if this is new software. | |
Situation |
How to make the purchase |
Documentation Required |
*If we are paying a company (not an individual), an invoice is required. If the individual will be lecturing or instructing mutiple sessions of an academic course, or multiple courses, please contact so that we can help you to determine the next steps. |
Supplier requires a signed agreement OR has a conflict of interest - regardless of cost | Submit a request to Finance Service Delivery or enter a non-catalog requisition in Workday (Knowledge Base Article) | Agreement, quote, or order form |
Less than or = $2000 | Email request for Non-Employee Honoraria to | Conflict of Interest Form | |
Spend Category: SC10247 Speakers/Guest Speakers | Over $2000 | Email request for Non-Employee Honoraria to | Have Supplier/Payee Register in Workday |
Situation |
How to make the purchase |
Documentation Required |
In all instances | Email request for Supplier Invoice to | Conference or Organization's Sponsorship Form (including an explanation of the benefit ISU will receive as a result of the sponsorship), and Have Supplier/Payee Register in Workday |
Spend Category: SC10425 Sponsorship of Activities by ISU | |||
Situation |
How to make the purchase |
Documentation Required |
Internship Stipends Not to be used for a company, business entity, or as a payment for services or work performed. For Internship Expense Reimbursement, see Travel Expenses below. | In all instances | Email request for a Supplier Invoice to | Have Supplier/Payee Register in Workday |
Situation | How to make the purchase | Documentation Required |
Stipends | Please refer to the research/survey participants section, the professional services section, or internship stipends section. Graduate student monthly stipends are paid through payroll. | ||
Situation |
How to make the purchase |
Documentation Required |
Whenever possible | Create a cyBUY order in Workday (Quick Reference: cyBUY Ordering) or email | None required |
If Items are NOT available on cyBUY AND under your P-Card limit AND supplier does not require a signed agreement and does not have a conflict of interest. | Contact supplier and pay with P-Card | Invoice or order form | |
Supplier requires a signed agreement OR has a conflict of interest - regardless of cost | Submit a request to Finance Service Delivery or enter a non-catalog requisition in Workday (Knowledge Base Article) | Agreement, quote, or order form | |
Spend Category: Choose based on the type of expense (Example: SC10486 Office Supplies for office supplies like pens, tape, etc.) | If Items are NOT available on cyBUY AND over your P-Card limit AND supplier does not require a signed agreement and does not have a conflict of interest. | Submit a request to Finance Service Delivery or enter a non-catalog requisition in Workday (Knowledge Base Article) | Invoice or order form |
Situation |
How to make the purchase |
Documentation Required |
Technical Services | Up to your P-Card limit AND supplier does not require a signed agreement and does not have a conflict of interest. | Contact supplier and pay with P-Card | Invoice or order form |
Spend Category: SC10352 Technical Services |
Above your P-Card limit OR Supplier requires a signed agreement OR has a conflict of interest - regardless of cost | Submit a request to Finance Service Delivery or complete the Contract Request Form on the Procurement Services website for ongoing services (year or more). | Agreement, quote, or order from. |
Telephones, Cordless Telephones, IP Telephones, Cell Phones and Related Equipment See also: Cell phones/Internet |
Must not be procured outside of Procurement Services. All of these items must be authorized by ITS and comply with other university policies (see voice/telephone policy). | ||
Trade of ISU Property | Must be processed through a requisition. Proper documentation of value and inventory tracking must occur on all ISU property. | ||
Situation |
How to make the purchase |
Documentation Required |
Travel Expenses for Employees | Up to your T&H Card limit | Contact supplier and pay with T&H Card | Itemized receipts |
Travel Advances for Employees | In all instances | Create a Spend Authorization in Workday Expense (Knowledge Base Article) or email | None required |
Employee Reimbursement for Travel | In all instances | Enter an Expense in Workday (Knowledge Base Article) or email | Itemized receipt, see policy for additional details |
Spend Category: SC10418 Travel - Domestic - Employee, SC10419 Travel - Foreign - Employee | |||
Situation |
How to make the purchase |
Documentation Required |
TRAVEL - Non-Employees | |||
Travel Expenses for Non-Employees | Up to your T&H Card limit | Contact supplier and pay with T&H Card | Itemized receipts |
Non-Employee Reimbursement for Travel unless covered by a Professional Services Contractual Agreement (PSCA) or Purchase Order: |
If reimbursing to a person | In all instances | Email to enter an Expense in Workday (Knowledge Base Article) | Itemized receipt, see policy for additional details |
If reimbursing to a business | In all instances | Email request for Supplier Invoice to | Invoice with itemized receipt(s), |
International Visitor Meal Per Diem Paid in Advance (Check) |
In all instances | Email request for Ad Hoc Payment to | Documentation of how the amount was calculated, including the dates and the daily rate |
Spend Category: SC10422 Travel - Domestic - Non Employee, SC10423 Travel - Foreign - Non Employee | |||
Situation |
How to make the purchase |
Documentation Required |
Utilities (gas, water, electricity, sewer, telephone not provided by ITS-Telecom Division) | Up to your P-Card limit AND no fee is charged. (Current Suppliers that do not charge a fee Include: Alliant Energy, Butler Co REC, Consumer Energy, Farmers Electric Co, Northwest REC, Windstream, Centurylink, Rathbun Regional Water, Southern Iowa Rural Water Assn) | Contact supplier and pay with P-Card | Itemized billing for each month being paid |
Supplier accepts credit card payments, but there is a fee. | Email Procurement Services may be able to cover the fee. |
Itemized billing for each month being paid | |
Spend Category: SC10217 Utilities - Electricity, SC10347 Utilities - Natural Gas, SC10346 Utilities - Other, SC10314 Utilities - Water & Sewer | Supplier does not accept credit card payments. | Email request for Supplier Invoice to | Itemized billing for each month being paid |
Any expenditures for goods or services not specifically included on this list must be requested through the Procurement Services Department by submitting a non-catalog requisition in Workday. A request for a non-catalog requisition can be submitted to Finance Service Delivery and they will enter the non-catalog requisition on your behalf or a non-catalog requisition can entered directly into Workday using this Knowledge Base Article. |