How Do I Buy...


Procurement Agent(s):
Liz Lunaburg


Contact the Procurement agent above for information on lodging.

Lodging for ISU employees is considered a travel expense and should be transacted on a University Travel and Hospitality (T&H) Card or reimbursed through an expense report in Workday.

For assistance with employee travel expenses, contact

Procurement Procedure:

ISU has a current contract for local lodging with the Gateway Hotel and Conference Center. The Travel and Hospitality (T&H) Card may be used to pay for lodging and meals for non-employee University guests as long as the transaction does not exceed your T&H Card limit. If the transaction exceeds your T&H Card limit, you can contact your Procurement & Expense Specialist (PES). Most PES have a higher T&H Card limit to assist in these larger lodging transactions.