Streamlined cyBUY Routing for Orders Under $1,000
The Workday routing for cyBUY orders has now been streamlined! All cyBUY orders that meet the following conditions, regardless of funding source, will no longer route to your Procurement and Expense Specialist (PES) prior to being submitted to the supplier:
- total less than $1,000,
- contain a valid Worktag,
- have a university business purpose entered (examples based on the type of expense can be found in the Business Purpose Statement Knowledge Base Article),
- do not contain radioactive/hazardous materials.
Please note:
- When a Grant Worktag is used, the cyBUY order will continue to route to the Grants Finance Specialist (GFS) for approval before the order is submitted to ensure compliance with grant terms and conditions.
- This Workday routing change does not alter any internal departmental or college approvals/procedures that may be required when making purchases.
Procurement Services and Finance Service Delivery (FSD) hope that this change to streamline the Workday business process associated with cyBUY orders under $1000 will result in a noticeable decrease in the time between when a cyBUY order has been submitted and when the requester receives the Workday notification that the order has been sent to the cyBUY supplier.
The PES will continue to review all cyBUY transactions for accuracy at the invoice/payment reconciliation stage of the business process and will address any incorrect Worktags (including assignee and department detail) as well as insufficient business purpose statements at that time.
If you haven’t used cyBUY in a while, check out our 11-step visual Quick Reference: cyBUY Ordering!