International and Domestic Travel: What you should know as you plan for travel!
As Iowa State University Employees begin traveling again, we want you to have the resources and information you need to make purchases for and during travel!
The Before You Go Checklist contains information, resources, and things to consider when making purchases for and during University travel. Including: driving from Ames, airport shuttle service, car rental, airline tickets, per diem rates, links to the Airbnb for Work and Lyft contracts, and knowing what items can go on your T&H Card.
The Before You Go Checklist also includes a section of additional items to-do items for international travel: how to obtain a PIN number for your T&H Card for point of sale purchases, links to Risk Management's travel information page for international travel, the International Traveler Registration, how to determine if any data, software, or equipment containing software that you will be traveling with requires export control analysis, and how to obtain a secure laptop if needed.
All available contracts for travel-related services, with links to the individual contract pages containing information on how to do business with that particular supplier, are included on Procurement Services Travel Page (just below the Before You Go Checklist).
We hope you find this resource helpful and encourage others to use it as they make plans to travel as well!