Spend Categories by Commodity Area
Spend Categories are used to identify or describe what is being purchased, not what the item will be used for. For Example, an ink cartridge for a color printer that will be used to print marketing materials would fall under SC10486 Office Supplies, not SC10316 Advertising – Other.
It is important to accurately record what is being purchased by using the correct Spend Category so that the University, departments, and units, as well as Procurement Services, can track spending and can compile data on purchases.
Spend Category data can be used to determine if a University Wide Contract should be negotiated, if the purchase qualifies as an asset, and whether or not the item needs to be tagged by inventory control. Spend Category data is also helpful when attempting to negotiate contracts, when analyzing expenses, and when creating and monitoring budgets.
In the chart below, the Spend Categories have been arranged by Commodity Area.
The Spend Category Name should identify what is purchased and the description of the Spend Category should confirm that this category describes what is being purchased.
If the Spend Category is designated as equipment, it indicates that the purchase is moveable equipment with a unit acquisition cost of at least $5,000 and which has a useful life of one year or more. These items are considered assets in Workday and must be tagged by inventory control.
Tip: Press ctrl + F to search this page for keywords.
Commodity Area |
Spend Category |
Spend Category Name |
Description of Spend Category |
Item is Considered
| Tax Reportable |
Access Control | SC10008 | Access Control Equipment | This spend category should be used to record the cost of access control equipment, excluding identification/card readers (SC10105), which has a useful life of more than one year & a cost > or = to $5000. All equipment must be tagged by inventory control. | Yes | No |
SC10655 | Access Control Services | This spend category should be used to record the cost of all access control services, excluding Alarm Services (SC10822). | No | Yes | |
SC10659 | Access Control Supplies | This spend category should be used to record the cost of access control supplies, excluding those costs associated with supplies used for identification/card readers (SC10645). | No | No | |
SC10105 | Identification/Card Readers Equipment | This spend category should be used to record the cost of equipment used for identification, including card readers, which has a useful life of more than one year & a cost > or = to $5000. All equipment must be tagged by inventory control. | Yes | No | |
SC10645 | Identification/Card Readers Supplies | This spend category should be used to record the cost of supplies used for identification, including card readers. | No | No | |
Spend Category |
Spend Category Name |
Description of Spend Category |
Item is Considered Equipment | Tax Reportable |
Advertising | SC10894 | Advertising - Job Posting | This spend category should be used to record the cost of advertisements for job postings in any type of media (newspaper, journal, website, etc.). | No | Yes |
SC10357 | Advertising - Newspaper | This spend category should be used to record the cost of advertisements or publicity releases in newspapers. |
No | Yes | |
SC10183 | Advertising - Radio | This spend category should be used to record the cost of advertisements or publicity releases on the radio. | No | Yes | |
SC10171 | Advertising - TV | This spend category should be used to record the cost of advertisements or publicity releases on TV. | No | Yes | |
SC10821 | Advertising Re-branding | This spend category should be used to record the cost of re-branding activities. | No | Yes | |
SC10316 | Advertising - Other | This spend category should be used to record the cost of all other advertisements or publicity not specified above. | No | Yes | |
Spend Category |
Spend Category Name |
Description of Spend Category |
Item is Considered Equipment | Tax Reportable |
Agricultural and Farm
Animals and Livestock |
SC10333 | Agricultural Equipment | This spend category should be used to record the cost of agricultural equipment. All equipment with a useful life of more than one year & a cost > or = to $5000 must be tagged by inventory control. | Yes | No |
SC10302 | Agricultural Services | This spend category should be used to record expenditures for non-veterinary farm services purchased both from within and outside ISU, including dead animal removal, manure mgmt., farrier work, breed organization fees, and other livestock or field services. | No | Yes | |
SC10660 | Agricultural Supplies | This spend category should be used to record the cost of agricultural supplies used in the operation of university farms, excluding the supplies needed for the care and maintenance of animals (SC10658) and cages (SC10241). | No | No | |
SC10205 | Animal Services | This spend category should be used to record the cost of non-veterinary services provided to care and maintain animals (ex horse shoeing), excluding agricultural services (SC10302). | No | Yes | |
SC10658 | Animal - Supplies | This spend category should be used to record the cost of supplies needed to care for and maintain animals, excluding feed/lab animal diets (SC10077) and cages (SC10241). | No | No | |
SC10241 | Animal Cages | This spend category should be used to record the cost of animal cages. | Yes | No | |
SC10133 | Animal Equipment | This spend category should be used to record the cost of equipment used for animals which has a useful life of more than one year & a cost > or = to $5000. All equipment must be tagged by inventory control. | Yes | No | |
SC10312 | Animals - Cattle | This spend category should be used to record the cost of the purchases of cattle for any purpose. Refer to the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) website to determine the appropriate approvals needed for your purchase. | No | No | |
SC10032 | Animals - Swine | This spend category should be used to record the cost of the purchases of swine for any purpose. Refer to the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) website to determine the appropriate approvals needed for your purchase. | No | No | |
SC10001 | Animals - Livestock | This spend category should be used to record the cost of livestock purchased for resale by university operations, excluding cattle (SC10312) and swine (SC10032). Refer to the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) website to determine the appropriate approvals needed for your purchase. | No | No | |
SC10238 | Animals - Research | This spend category should be used to record the cost of animals used in research, excluding cattle (SC10312) and swine (SC10032). Refer to the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) website to determine the appropriate approvals needed for your purchase. | No | No | |
SC10077 | Feed/Lab Animal Diets | This spend category should be used to record the cost of all feed and animal diets. | No | No | |
SC10263 | Grain Bins/Dryers | This spend category should be used to record the cost of grain bins and dryers. | Yes | No | |
SC10148 | Seed - Farm/Grass/Garden | This spend category should be used to record the cost of all seed. Including grass seed, garden seeds, and seeds used to grow crops. | No | No | |
SC10097 | Test Plots | This spend category should be used to record the rental cost of test plots. | No | Yes | |
SC10248 | Land | This spend category should be used to record the cost of land purchases. | No | No | |
SC10387 | Land Improvements | This spend category should be used to record the cost of land improvements (ex:drainage installation), excluding lawns (SC10669). | No | Yes | |
Spend Category |
Spend Category Name |
Description of Spend Category |
Item is Considered Equipment | Tax Reportable |
Art | SC10640 | Art Supplies | This spend category should be used to record the cost of supplies, materials, and/or tools consumed completing artistic activities. | No | No |
SC10253 | Design Services | This spend category should be used to record the cost of services rendered by artists and designers, including art commissioned by Iowa State University from an artist. | No | Yes | |
SC10014 | Art & Museum - Works Of Art | This spend category should be used to record the cost of works of art purchased to display in public areas. | Yes | No | |
SC10158 | Art Conservation Services | This spend category should be used to record the cost of professional services rendered by art conservators. | No | Yes | |
Spend Category |
Spend Category Name |
Description of Spend Category |
Item is Considered Equipment | Tax Reportable |
Athletics and Recreation | SC10161 | Athletic Equipment | This spend category should be used to record the cost of athletic equipment, excluding Bleachers/Stadium Seating (SC10202), which has a useful life of more than one year & a cost > or = to $5000. All equipment must be tagged by inventory control. | Yes | No |
SC10922 | Athletics - Officials | This spend category should be used to record the cost of athletic officials. | No | No | |
SC10661 | Athletic Supplies | This spend category should be used to record the cost of supplies & noncapitalized equipment used for athletic events. Examples of such supplies are athletic shoes, balls, bats, gloves, billiard supplies racquets, uniforms, etc. | No | No | |
SC10147 | Athletics - Tradeouts | This spend category should be used to record the cost of athletic ticket tradeouts for goods or services. | Yes | No | |
SC10202 | Bleachers/Stadium Seating | This spend category should be used to record the cost of bleachers and stadium seating, excluding installation fees (SC10088). | No | No | |
SC10050 | Playground Equipment | This spend category should be used to record the cost of playground equipment which has a useful life of more than one year & a cost > or = to $5000. All equipment must be tagged by inventory control. | Yes | No | |
SC10646 | Playground Supplies | This spend category should be used to record the cost of playground supplies. | No | No | |
SC10007 | Recreation Supplies | This spend category should be used to record the cost of supplies & noncapitalized equipment used for recreational activities. Examples of such supplies are athletic shoes, balls, bats, gloves, billiard supplies racquets, uniforms, etc. | No | No | |
Spend Category |
Spend Category Name |
Description of Spend Category |
Item is Considered Equipment | Tax Reportable |
Audio/Video - Photography/ |
SC10348 | Audio - Broadcast Equipment | This spend category should be used to record the cost of broadcast equipment, excluding audio and video equipment (SC10104) and photography equipment (SC10154), which has a useful life of more than one year & a cost > or = to $5000. All equipment must be tagged by inventory control. | Yes | No |
SC10104 | Audio/Video Equipment | This spend category should be used to record the cost of audio and video equipment, excluding photography equipment (SC10154), which has a useful life of more than one year & a cost > or = to $5000. All equipment must be tagged by inventory control. | Yes | No | |
SC10594 | Audio/Visual/Photo Supplies | This spend category should be used to record the cost of photographic & audio/visual supplies & noncapitalized equipment. Examples of such supplies or equipment are cameras, attachments, film, processing materials, VCR's, projectors, overheads, screens, etc. Audio/ visual films, tapes, etc. | No | No | |
SC10385 | Photography/Videography Services | This spend category should be used to record the cost of photography services. | No | Yes | |
SC10154 | Photography Equipment | This spend category should be used to record the cost of photography equipment which has a useful life of more than one year & a cost > or = to $5000. All equipment must be tagged by inventory control. | Yes | No | |
Spend Category |
Spend Category Name |
Description of Spend Category |
Item is Considered Equipment | Tax Reportable |
Carpet and Floor Coverings | SC10027 | Floor Covering - Carpet | This spend category should be used to record the cost of carpet not associated with construction (SC10382). | No | No |
SC10274 | Floor Covering - Tile | This spend category should be used to record the cost of tile not associated with construction (SC10382). | No | No | |
SC10064 | Floor Covering - Misc. | This spend category should be used to record the cost of all other floor covering, excluding carpet (SC10027), tile (SC10274), and floor coverings associated with construction (SC10382). | No | No | |
Spend Category |
Spend Category Name |
Description of Spend Category |
Item is Considered Equipment | Tax Reportable |
Chemicals | SC10074 | Chemicals/Fertilizers - Custom Applied | This spend category should be used to record the cost of the custom application of chemicals and fertilizers. | No | Yes |
SC10257 | Fertilizers | This spend category should be used to record the cost of fertilizers, excluding custom application (SC10074). | No | No | |
SC10307 | Chemicals - Lawn/Turf | This spend category should be used to record the cost of lawn and turf chemicals, excluding fertilizers (SC10257) and custom applied chemicals and fertilizers (SC10074). | No | No | |
SC10321 | Chemicals - Farm | This spend category should be used to record the cost of farm chemicals, excluding fertilizers (SC10257) and custom applied chemicals and fertilizers (SC10074). | No | No | |
SC10334 | Chemicals - Industrial | This spend category should be used to record the cost of industrial chemicals, excluding fertilizers (SC10257) and custom applied chemicals and fertilizers (SC10074). | No | No | |
Spend Category |
Spend Category Name |
Description of Spend Category |
Item is Considered Equipment | Tax Reportable |
Computers and IT | SC10341 | Computer Hardware - Networking | This spend category should be used to record the cost of networking equipment as well as equipment used in wafer production (SC10650) and cluster computers (SC10163) which has a useful life of more than one year & a cost > or = to $5000. All equipment must be tagged by inventory control. | Yes | No |
SC10163 | Computer Hardware - Cluster Computers | This spend category should be used to record the cost of cluster computers, excluding equipment used in wafer production (SC10650) or networking equipment (SC10341) which has a useful life of more than one year & a cost > or = to $5000. All equipment must be tagged by inventory control. | Yes | No | |
SC10254 | Computer Hardware | This spend category should be used to record the cost of computer equipment, excluding equipment used in wafer production (SC10650), networking equipment (SC10341), or cluster computers (SC10163) which has a useful life of more than one year & a cost > or = to $5000. All equipment must be tagged by inventory control. | Yes | No | |
SC10037 | Computer Supplies/Peripherals | This spend category should be used to record the cost of computer supplies and peripherals. | No | No | |
SC10350 | Computer - Maintenance Agreements | This spend category should be used to record the cost of computer maintenance agreements. This excludes software agreements (SC10006). | No | Yes | |
SC10650 | Computer Equipment - Wafer Production | This spend category should be used to record the cost of computer equipment used in wafer production which has a useful life of more than one year & a cost > or = to $5000. All equipment must be tagged by inventory control. | Yes | No | |
SC10664 | Computer Supplies - Wafer Production | This spend category should be used to record the cost of supplies used in wafer production. | No | No | |
Spend Category |
Spend Category Name |
Description of Spend Category |
Item is Considered Equipment | Tax Reportable |
Construction | SC10132 | Architects/Engineering Services | This spend category should be used to record the cost of professional services rendered by architects and engineers, excluding those for FP&M (SC10369). | No | Yes |
SC10369 | Architects/Engineering Services - FP&M | This spend category should be used to record the cost of professional services rendered by architects and engineers for FP&M. | No | Yes | |
SC10249 | Building Repairs | This spend category should be used to record the cost of building repairs, excluding fire code repairs (SC10379). | No | Yes | |
SC10206 | Construction - Alarm | This spend category should be used to record the cost of alarm systems services, excluding fire code repairs (SC10379), access control equipment (SC10008) and supplies (SC10659), and identification/card reader equipment (SC10105) and supplies (SC10645). | No | Yes | |
SC10026 | Construction - Asphalt | This spend category should be used to record the cost of asphalt services. | No | Yes | |
SC10178 | Construction - Building Exterior | This spend category should be used to record the cost of building exterior construction. | No | Yes | |
SC10198 | Construction - Concrete | This spend category should be used to record the cost of concrete installation/services, excluding pavement systems supplies (SC10389). | No | Yes | |
SC10377 | Construction - Electric | This spend category should be used to record the cost of externally contracted electrical services. | No | Yes | |
SC10090 | Construction - Excavation/Trenching/Boring | This spend category should be used to record the cost of externally contracted excavation, trenching, and boring services, excluding construction equipment - earth moving & boring (SC10651). | No | Yes | |
SC10054 | Construction - Fencing | This spend category should be used to record the cost of fencing installation/services associated with construction. | No | Yes | |
SC10382 | Construction - Flooring | This spend category should be used to record the cost of flooring installation/services associated with construction. | No | Yes | |
SC10227 | Construction - HVAC | This spend category should be used to record the cost of externally contracted HVAC installation. | No | Yes | |
SC10174 | Construction - Landscaping | This spend category should be used to record the cost of externally contracted landscaping. | No | Yes | |
SC10146 | Construction - Painting | This spend category should be used to record the cost of externally contracted painting. | No | Yes | |
SC10116 | Construction - Plumbing | This spend category should be used to record the cost of externally contracted plumbing. | No | Yes | |
SC10216 | Construction - Roofing | This spend category should be used to record the cost of externally contracted roofing. | No | Yes | |
SC10309 | Construction - Time/Materials Contractor | This spend category should be used to record the cost of services for time and materials contractors. | No | Yes | |
SC10044 | Construction - Utilities | This spend category should be used to record the cost of utility construction. | No | Yes | |
SC10651 | Construction Equipment - Earth Moving & Boring | This spend category should be used to record the cost of purchasing earth moving and boring equipment which has a useful life of more than one year & a cost > or = $5000. All equipment must be tagged by inventory control. | Yes | No | |
SC10364 | Construction - General | This spend category should be used to record the cost for services of general contractors. | No | Yes | |
SC10379 | Fire Code Repairs | This spend category should be used to record the cost of all fire code repairs. | No | Yes | |
SC10349 | Paint Equipment | This spend category should be used to record the cost of painting equipment which has a useful life of more than one year & a cost of $5000. All equipment must be tagged by inventory control. | Yes | No | |
SC10389 | Pavement Systems Supplies | This spend category should be used to record the cost of supplies associated with pavement systems. | No | No | |
SC10885 | Plant Capital Lighting | This spend category should be used to record the cost of Plant Capital Lighting supplies that are not Plant Capital Street/Pedestrian/Traffic Lighting (SC10887). | No | No | |
SC10887 | Plant Capital Lighting-Street/Pedestrian/Traffic | This spend category should be used to record the cost of Plant Capital Lighting for Street/Pedestrian/Traffic uses. | No | No | |
SC10886 | Plant Capital Utility Systems | This spend category should be used to record the cost of Plant Capital Utility Systems. | No | No | |
SC10426 | Construction - Miscellaneous | This spend category should be used to record the cost of all other construction services not specified above. | No | Yes | |
Spend Category |
Spend Category Name |
Description of Spend Category |
Item is Considered Equipment | Tax Reportable |
Construction Materials | SC10272 | Air Handling Equipment | This spend category should be used to record the cost of air handling equipment which has a useful life of more than one year & a cost > or = $5000. All equipment must be tagged by inventory control. | Yes | No |
SC10095 | Electrical - Lighting Fixtures - Misc. | This spend category should be used to record the cost of any lighting fixtures that are not for street or walks (SC10169). | No | No | |
SC10169 | Electrical - Lighting Fixtures - Street/Walk | This spend category should be used to record the cost of lighting fixtures that are for street or walks. | No | No | |
SC10290 | Electrical Equipment | This spend category should be used to record the cost of electrical equipment which has a useful life of more than one year & a cost > or = $5000. All equipment must be tagged by inventory control. | Yes | No | |
SC10667 | Electrical Supplies | This spend category should be used to record the cost of electrical supplies used in the installation of or the repair & maintenance of electrical wiring, lines, electric motors or other electrical devices. Examples of such supplies are ballasts, breakers, lighting capacitors, conduit, connectors, diffusers, fixtures, electric motors, receptacles, switches, transformers, cable, etc. | No | No | |
SC10177 | Fencing | This spend category should be used to record the cost of fencing materials. | No | No | |
SC10338 | Glass - Plate/Window | This spend category should be used to record the cost of windows including plate glass windows. | No | No | |
SC10320 | HVAC Equipment | This spend category should be used to record the cost of HVAC equipment which has a useful life of more than one year & a cost > or = $5000. All equipment must be tagged by inventory control. Excludes air handling equipment (SC10272). | Yes | No | |
SC10269 | Irrigation Equipment | This spend category should be used to record the cost of irrigation equipment which has a useful life of more than one year & a cost > or = $5000. All equipment must be tagged by inventory control. | Yes | No | |
SC10670 | Irrigation Supplies | This spend category should be used to record the cost of supplies used for irrigation. | No | No | |
SC10289 | Lighting - LED | This spend category should be used to record the cost of LED lighting supplies. | No | No | |
SC10616 | Lighting - Street/Pedestrian/Traffic Supplies | This spend category should be used to record the cost of supplies for street/pedestrian/traffic lighting, excluding LED (SC10289). | No | No | |
SC10388 | Lighting Supplies | This spend category should be used to record the cost of lighting supplies that are not LED (SC10289) or for Street/Pedestrian/Traffic Lighting (SC10616) | Yes | No | |
SC10677 | Paint Supplies | This spend category should be used to record the cost of paint or painting supplies such as house or interior paint, thinners, sealers, wood finishes, stains, brushes and other applicators, etc. | No | No | |
SC10378 | Plumbing - Supplies | This spend category should be used to record the cost of plumbing supplies & materials such as aerators, couplings drains, faucets, pipe, pumps, toilets, shower heads, sinks, etc. | No | No | |
SC10264 | Refrigeration - Commercial Misc. | This spend category should be used to record the cost of refrigeration or cooling supplies such as aquastats, capacitors, controllers, filters, hoses, motors, thermometers, transformers, etc. | No | No | |
SC10276 | Sand/Gravel/Rock/Dirt | This spend category should be used to record the cost of sand, gravel, rock, and dirt. | No | No | |
SC10689 | Water Coolers and Fountains Equipment | This spend category should be used to record the cost of water coolers and fountains which have a useful life of more than one year & a cost > or = $5000. All equipment must be tagged by inventory control. | Yes | No | |
SC10654 | Water Coolers and Fountains Supplies | This spend category should be used to record the cost of supplies associated with water coolers and fountains. | No | No | |
SC10305 | Window Treatments | This spend category should be used to record the cost of window treatments. | No | No | |
SC10019 | Building Materials/Lumber/Metal/Plastic/Cement | This spend category should be used to record the cost of all other building materials not specified above. | No | No | |
Spend Category |
Spend Category Name |
Description of Spend Category |
Item is Considered Equipment | Tax Reportable |
Elevator | SC10239 | Elevator Maintenance | This spend category should be used to record the cost of elevator maintenance and repairs. | No | Yes |
SC10250 | Elevators - Equipment | This spend category should be used to record the cost of elevator equipment which has a useful life of more than one year & a cost > or = $5000. All equipment must be tagged by inventory control. | Yes | No | |
SC10643 | Elevators - Supplies | This spend category should be used to record the cost of supplies used in the maintenance and repair of elevators. | No | No | |
Spend Category |
Spend Category Name |
Description of Spend Category |
Item is Considered Equipment | Tax Reportable |
Equipment - General | SC10226 | Appliances | This spend category should be used to record the cost of appliances like dishwashers, ovens, washers, dryers, refrigerators etc. | No | No |
SC10370 | Compressors | This spend category should be used to record the cost of compressors which have a useful life of more than one year & a cost > or = to $5000. All equipment must be tagged by inventory control. | No | No | |
SC10255 | Display Equipment | This spend category should be used to record the cost of display equipment which has a useful life of more than one year & a cost > or = to $5000. All equipment must be tagged by inventory control. | Yes | No | |
SC10127 | Generators | This spend category should be used to record the cost of generators which have a useful life of more than one year & a cost > or = to $5000. All equipment must be tagged by inventory control. | Yes | No | |
SC10354 | Trucks - Lift/Fork | This spend category should be used to record the cost of forklifts and lift trucks which have a useful life of more than one year & a cost > or = to $5000. All equipment must be tagged by inventory control. | Yes | No | |
Spend Category |
Spend Category Name |
Description of Spend Category |
Item is Considered Equipment | Tax Reportable |
Fees | SC10866 | Admission Fees/Tickets | This spend category should be used to record daily admission fees or ticket sales to events or other similar activities. | No | No |
SC10240 | Donations | This spend category should be used to record donations. | No | No | |
SC10923 | Filing Fees - Immigration Services | This spend category should be used to record immigration services filing fees. | No | No | |
SC10062 | Insurance | This spend category should be used to record the cost of premiums which indemnify or guarantee the university against certain costs or losses (e.g., surety bonds, liability coverage, health insurance premiums, etc.). Because the State of Iowa provides for such coverage in some instances, university depts. should discuss such agreements with the university's Office of Risk Management and Procurement Services before entering contract. | No | No | |
SC10827 | Licenses and Permits | This spend category should be used to record payments to local, state or national governments which entitle the university to engage in some activity (e.g., duties on shipments of foreign goods, license plates, animal permits, chemical application permits, food service permits, etc.). This excludes software licenses (SC10006). | No | No | |
SC10619 | Participant Payments | This spend category should be used to record payments to individuals who participate in research studies, serve as models, or perform similar services. | No | Yes | |
SC10215 | Radio Programs/Fees | This spend category should be used to record the fees for radio program services, excluding radio advertisements or publicity releases (SC10183). | No | Yes | |
SC10081 | Registrations | This spend category should be used to record fees for registrations. | No | Yes | |
SC10281 | Reprints/Page Charges | This spend category should be used to record page charges and reprints, excluding printing and copying services (SC10313). | No | Yes | |
SC10012 | Royalty, Copyright Payments | This spend category should be used to record royalty, copyright, and permissions payments. | No | Yes | |
SC10153 | Shipping/Freight Fees | This spend category should be used to record the cost of shipping goods purchased or sold by university, including charges from freight companies. | No | No | |
SC10425 | Sponsorship of Activities by ISU | This spend category should be used to record Iowa State University's sponsorship of events. | No | Yes | |
SC10277 | Subscriptions/Memberships/Dues | This spend category should be used to record the cost of institutional and professional dues or memberships as well as the cost of subscriptions to magazines, professional journals, information services (including the related updates), etc.. Memberships in private clubs or individual memberships in professional organizations generally are unallowable. | No | No | |
Spend Category |
Spend Category Name |
Description of Spend Category |
Item is Considered Equipment | Tax Reportable |
Food and Food Service | SC10005 | Food Service Equipment | This spend category should be used to record the cost of foodservice equipment, excluding ice makers (SC10170), which has a useful life of more than one year & a cost > or = to $5000. All equipment must be tagged by inventory control. | Yes | No |
SC10018 | Food Products - Dairy | This spend category should be used to record the cost of dairy items. | No | No | |
SC10031 | Food Products - Non-Alcoholic Beverages | This spend category should be used to record the cost of non-alcoholic beverages, excluding dairy. | No | No | |
SC10130 | Food Products - Canned | This spend category should be used to record the cost of canned foods, excluding dairy (SC10018) and meats (SC10279). | No | No | |
SC10196 | Food Products - Frozen | This spend category should be used to record the cost of frozen foods, excluding dairy (SC10018) and meats (SC10279). | No | No | |
SC10270 | Food Products - Bakery | This spend category should be used to record the cost of bakery items. | No | No | |
SC10279 | Food Products - Meats | This spend category should be used to record the cost of meats. | No | No | |
SC10295 | Food Products - Alcoholic Beverages | This spend category should be used to record the cost of alcoholic beverages. | No | No | |
SC10297 | Food Products - Fresh Produce/Eggs | This spend category should be used to record the cost of fresh produce and eggs. | No | No | |
SC10187 | Food/Nutritional Products - Misc. | This spend category should be used to record the cost of all food products not specified above. | No | No | |
SC10613 | Food Service Supplies | This spend category should be used to record the cost of supplies used in food service. | No | No | |
SC10170 | Ice Makers | This spend category should be used to record the cost of ice makers. | No | No | |
Spend Category |
Spend Category Name |
Description of Spend Category |
Item is Considered Equipment | Tax Reportable |
Furniture | SC10075 | Furniture - Office - Hon/Allsteel | This spend category should be used anytime Hon/Allsteel is purchased regardless of actual item purchased. | No | No |
SC10152 | Furniture - Office - Steelcase | This spend category should be used anytime Steelcase is purchased regardless of actual item purchased. | No | No | |
SC10139 | Furniture - Filing Systems | This spend category should be used to record the cost of filing systems, excluding Hon/Allsteel (SC10075) and Steelcase (SC10152). | No | No | |
SC10063 | Furniture - Office Tables | This spend category should be used to record the cost of office tables, excluding Hon/Allsteel (SC10075) and Steelcase (SC10152). | No | No | |
SC10221 | Furniture - Modular/Systems | This spend category should be used to record the cost of modular systems, excluding Hon/Allsteel (SC10075) and Steelcase (SC10152). | No | No | |
SC10308 | Furniture - Shelving | This spend category should be used to record the cost of shelving, excluding Hon/Allsteel (SC10075) and Steelcase (SC10152). | No | No | |
SC10053 | Blackboards/Whiteboards | This spend category should be used to record the cost of whiteboards and blackboards, excluding Hon/Allsteel (SC10075) and Steelcase (SC10152). | No | No | |
SC10051 | Furniture - Computer Tables | This spend category should be used to record the cost of computer tables, excluding Hon/Allsteel (SC10075) and Steelcase (SC10152). | No | No | |
SC10367 | Furniture - Lab Casework | This spend category should be used to record the cost of lab casework, excluding Hon/Allsteel (SC10075) and Steelcase (SC10152). | No | No | |
SC10129 | Furniture - Lockers | This spend category should be used to record the cost of lockers, excluding Hon/Allsteel (SC10075) and Steelcase (SC10152). | No | No | |
SC10002 | Furniture - Tables/Workshop Furniture | This spend category should be used to record the cost of tables and workshop furniture, excluding Hon/Allsteel (SC10075) and Steelcase (SC10152). | No | No | |
SC10234 | Furniture - Dining/Living/Bedroom | This spend category should be used to record the cost of dining room, living room, and bedroom furniture, excluding beds and mattresses (SC10164), Hon/Allsteel (SC10075), and Steelcase (SC10152). | No | No | |
SC10164 | Furniture - Beds/Mattresses | This spend category should be used to record the cost of beds and mattresses. | No | No | |
SC10285 | Furniture - Chairs | This spend category should be used to record the cost of chairs, excluding auditorium/stadium chairs (SC10099), Hon/Allsteel (SC10075) and Steelcase (SC10152). | No | No | |
SC10099 | Furniture - Chairs - Auditorium/Stadium | This spend category should be used to record the cost of auditorium/stadium chairs, excluding bleachers/stadium seating (SC10202), Hon/Allsteel (SC10075), and Steelcase (SC10152). | No | No | |
SC10330 | Furniture - Parts/Accessories | This spend category should be used to record the cost of parts and accessories associated with furniture. | No | No | |
SC10080 | Furniture - Repair/Refinish | This spend category should be used to record the cost of the repair and/or refinish of furniture. | No | Yes | |
SC10096 | Furniture - Classroom | This spend category should be used to record the cost of classroom furniture not specified above. | No | No | |
SC10016 | Furniture - Misc. | This spend category should be used to record the cost of furniture not specified above, excluding classroom furniture (SC10096) | No | No | |
Spend Category |
Spend Category Name |
Description of Spend Category |
Item is Considered Equipment | Tax Reportable |
Gas and Petroleum | SC10374 | Petroleum Products - Aviation Gas | This spend category should be used to record the cost of aviation fuel used in the operation of university aircraft. | No | No |
SC10107 | Petroleum Products - Diesel Fuel | This spend category should be used to record the cost of fuel used in diesel powered vehicles and equipment operated by the university. | No | No | |
SC10413 | Petroleum Products - Ethanol | This spend category should be used to record the cost of ethanol used in vehicles and equipment operated by the university. | No | No | |
SC10268 | Petroleum Products - Gasoline | This spend category should be used to record the cost of gasoline used in vehicles and equipment operated by the university, excluding ethanol (SC10413). | No | No | |
SC10100 | Petroleum Products - LP Gas | This spend category should be used to record the cost of LP Gas. | No | No | |
SC10273 | Petroleum Products - Misc. | This spend category should be used to record the cost of petroleum products not specified above. | No | No | |
SC10224 | Utilities - Misc. Heating Fuels | This spend category should be used to record the cost of heating fuels billed by utilities. | No | No | |
SC10208 | Petroleum Products - Fleet/Fuel Credit Cards | This spend category should be used to record the cost of fuel credit cards for Transportation Services's fleet of vehicles. | No | No | |
Spend Category |
Spend Category Name |
Description of Spend Category |
Item is Considered Equipment | Tax Reportable |
Grounds and Greenhouse | SC10188 | Greenhouse Equipment | This spend category should be used to record the cost of greenhouse equipment which has a useful life of more than one year & a cost > or = to $5000. All equipment must be tagged by inventory control. | Yes | No |
SC10668 | Greenhouse/Garden/Lawn Supplies | This spend category should be used to record the cost of green house supplies, excluding seeds (SC10148). | No | No | |
SC10323 | Grounds/Lawn E/S - Snow Removal | This spend category should be used to record the cost of snow removal. | No | Yes | |
SC10165 | Grounds/Lawn Equipment | This spend category should be used to record the cost of grounds and lawn equipment which has a useful life of more than one year & a cost > or = to $5000. All equipment must be tagged by inventory control. | Yes | No | |
SC10669 | Grounds/Lawn Supplies | This spend category should be used to record the cost of supplies and materials used in the maintenance or repair of the grounds and lawns, excluding seeds (SC10148). | No | No | |
SC10352 | Plants/Trees/Shrubs | This spend category should be used to record the cost of plants, trees, and shrubs, excluding seeds (SC10148). | No | No | |
Spend Category |
Spend Category Name |
Description of Spend Category |
Item is Considered Equipment | Tax Reportable |
Janitorial | SC10331 | Floor/Wall Machines Equipment | This spend category should be used to record the cost of floor and/or wall machines which have a useful life of more than one year & a cost > or = to $5000. All equipment must be tagged by inventory control. | Yes | No |
SC10671 | Janitorial/Personal Care Supplies | This spend category should be used to record the cost of supplies and materials used to clean and sanitize. | No | No | |
SC10344 | Janitorial/Custodial Equipment | This spend category should be used to record the cost of janitorial and custodial equipment, excluding floor and/or wall machines (SC10331), which have a useful life of more than one year & a cost > or = to $5000. All equipment must be tagged by inventory control. | Yes | No | |
SC10325 | Janitorial Services | This spend category should be used to record the cost of janitorial services. | No | Yes | |
SC10319 | Pest Control Services | This spend category should be used to record the cost of pest control services. | No | Yes | |
SC10947 | Pest Control - Supplies | This spend category should be used to record the cost of pest control supplies, including fly traps, mouse traps, bug spray, etc. | No | No | |
Spend Category |
Spend Category Name |
Description of Spend Category |
Item is Considered Equipment | Tax Reportable |
Lab and Scientific | SC10907 | Analyzer | This spend category should be used to record the cost of analyzer equipment. All equipment with a useful life of more than one year & a cost > or = to $5000 must be tagged by inventory control. | Yes | No |
SC10896 | Autoclaves/Sterilizer | This spend category should be used to record the cost of autoclave and sterilizer equipment. All equipment with a useful life of more than one year & a cost > or = to $5000 must be tagged by inventory control. | Yes | No | |
SC10207 | Biochemicals/Oligos/DNA | This spend category should be used to record the cost of biochemicals. | No | No | |
SC10204 | Biological Supplies | This spend category should be used to record the cost of biological supplies, excluding biochemicals (SC10207) and biotoxins/microorganisms (SC10168). | No | No | |
SC10897 | Cetrifuges | This spend category should be used to record the cost of centrifuge equipment. All equipment with a useful life of more than one year & a cost > or = to $5000 must be tagged by inventory control. | Yes | No | |
SC10168 | Chemicals - Biotoxins/Microorganisms | This spend category should be used to record the cost of biotoxins and microorganisms. | No | No | |
SC10186 | Chemicals - Lab | This spend category should be used to record the cost of lab chemicals, excluding biochemicals (SC10207), biotoxins/microorganisms (SC10168), biological supplies (SC10204), that would be stocked by a university laboratory or consumed in the conduct of research. | No | No | |
SC10126 | Controlled Substances | This spend category should be used to record the cost of controlled substances. Must route through Procurement Services on a requisition or through cyBUY suppliers as documentation and control issues require tracking of orders, Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) number. | No | No | |
SC10666 | Detectors - Equipment | This spend category should be used to record the cost of detectors which have a useful life of more than one year and a cost > or = to $5000. All equipment must be tagged by inventory control. | Yes | No | |
SC10945 | Detectors - Supplies | This spend category should be used to record the cost of detectors that cost less than $5,000. | No | No | |
SC10642 | Electronic Supplies | This spend category should be used to record the cost of electronic supplies, excluding meters (SC10262), detectors (SC10666), computer hardware (SC10256, SC10300, SC10341, SC10163, SC10254), and computer supplies and peripherals (SC10037). | No | No | |
SC10176 | Electronics - Equipment | This spend category should be used to record the cost of electronic equipment which has a useful life of more than one year & a cost > or = $5,000. All equipment must be tagged by inventory control. Excludes: meters (SC10262), detectors (SC10666), computer hardware (SC10256, SC10300, SC10341, SC10163, SC10254), and computer supplies and peripherals (SC10037). | Yes | No | |
SC10214 | Filters | This spend category should be used to record the cost of both replacement filters and filter media. | No | No | |
SC10160 | Gas Cylinders and Supplies | This spend category should be used to record the cost of lab and industrial gas cylinders, including liquid nitrogen. | No | No | |
SC10898 | Growth Chamber/Incubator | This spend category should be used to record the cost of growth chamber or incubator equipment. All equipment with a useful life of more than one year & a cost > or = to $5000 must be tagged by inventory control. | Yes | No | |
SC10085 | Lab Equipment - Chromatography | This spend category should be used to record the cost of lab equipment used for chromatography. Any items which have a useful life of more than one year & a cost > or = to $5000 must be tagged by inventory control. | Yes | No | |
SC10652 | Lab Equipment - Evaporators | This spend category should be used to record the cost of evaporators used in lab environments. Any items which have a useful life of more than one year & a cost > or = to $5000 must be tagged by inventory control. | Yes | No | |
SC10229 | Lab Equipment - Fermenters/Separators | This spend category should be used to record the cost of fermenters and separators used in lab environments. Any items which have a useful life of more than one year & a cost > or = to $5000 must be tagged by inventory control. | Yes | No | |
SC10181 | Lab Equipment - Fume Hoods/Biosafety Cabinets | This spend category should be used to record the cost of fume hoods and biosafety cabinets used in lab environments. Any items which have a useful life of more than one year & a cost > or = to $5000 must be tagged by inventory control. | Yes | No | |
SC10009 | Lab Equipment - Glove Boxes | This spend category should be used to record the cost of glove boxes used in lab environments. Any items which have a useful life of more than one year & a cost > or = to $5000 must be tagged by inventory control. | Yes | No | |
SC10275 | Lab Equipment - Lasers | This spend category should be used to record the cost of lasers used in lab environments. Any items which have a useful life of more than one year & a cost > or = to $5000 must be tagged by inventory control. | Yes | No | |
SC10047 | Lab Equipment - Personal Protective Equipment | This spend category should be used to record the cost of personal protective equipment for safety in labs, including safety apparel. | Yes | No | |
SC10218 | Lab Equipment - Purifiers/Filtration Apparatus | This spend category should be used to record the cost of purifiers/filtration apparatuses used in lab environments. Any items which have a useful life of more than one year & a cost > or = to $5000 must be tagged by inventory control. This excludes replacement filters or filter media (SC10214). | Yes | No | |
SC10078 | Lab Equipment - Spectrometers/Spectrographs | This spend category should be used to record the cost of spectrometers and spectrographs used in lab environments. Any items which have a useful life of more than one year & a cost > or = to $5000 must be tagged by inventory control. | Yes | No | |
SC10287 | Lab Equipment - Sputtering/Evaporation Apparatus | This spend category should be used to record the cost of sputtering and evaporation apparatuses used in lab environments. Any items which have a useful life of more than one year & a cost > or = to $5000 must be tagged by inventory control. | Yes | No | |
SC10058 | Lab Equipment - Ultra Low Freezers | This spend category should be used to record the cost of ultra low freezers used in lab environments. Any items which have a useful life of more than one year & a cost > or = to $5000 must be tagged by inventory control. | Yes | No | |
SC10262 | Meters | This spend category should be used to record the cost of meters. | No | No | |
SC10901 | Microscope-Electron | This spend category should be used to record the cost of microscope-electron equipment. All equipment with a useful life of more than one year & a cost > or = to $5000 must be tagged by inventory control. | Yes | No | |
SC10902 | Microtomes | This spend category should be used to record the cost of microtome equipment. All equipment with a useful life of more than one year & a cost > or = to $5000 must be tagged by inventory control. | Yes | No | |
SC10900 | Optical Microscopes/Telescopes/Optics | This spend category should be used to record the cost of optical microscopes, telescopes, and optics equipment. All equipment with a useful life of more than one year & a cost > or = to $5000 must be tagged by inventory control. | Yes | No | |
SC10142 | Radioactive Materials/Radioisotopes | This spend category should be used to record the cost of radioactive materials and radioisotopes.
A copy of our current radioisotope license must be on file with all companies before ordering. This license is issued to Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S) and a copy can be obtained by contacting EH&S. In accordance with this license, all radioisotopes MUST be shipped to 2408 Wanda Daley Drive. This is a Federal Law that is regulated in Iowa by the Iowa Department of Public Health. Note: The supplier must ship to the licensed address, no matter what address the departments give them. |
No | No | |
SC10906 | Research Grade Camera | This spend category should be used to record the cost of research grade cameras, excluding photography equipment (SC10154), audio/video equipment (SC10104), audio/visual/photo supplies (SC10594). All equipment with a useful life of more than one year & a cost > or = to $5000 must be tagged by inventory control | Yes | No | |
SC10311 | Robotics | This spend category should be used to record the cost of robotics. Any items which have a useful life of more than one year & a cost > or = to $5000 must be tagged by inventory control. | No | No | |
SC10903 | Soil Test/Core Drilling Equipment | This spend category should be used to record the cost of soil test and core drilling equipment. All equipment with a useful life of more than one year & a cost > or = to $5000 must be tagged by inventory control. | Yes | No | |
SC10904 | Soil Test/Core Drilling Service | This spend category should be used to record the cost of services related to soil testing and core drilling. | No | Yes | |
SC10905 | Thermal Cyclers | This spend category should be used to record the cost of thermal cycler equipment. All equipment with a useful life of more than one year & a cost > or = to $5000 must be tagged by inventory control. | Yes | No | |
SC10633 | Unmanned Aerial Vehicles | This spend category should be used to record the cost of unmanned aerial vehicles. Any items which have a useful life of more than one year & a cost > or = to $5000 must be tagged by inventory control. See the Policy Library for information on purchasing Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: http://www.policy.iastate.edu/news/unmanned-aircraft-systems-uas-drones | No | No | |
SC10144 | Lab Equipment - Misc. | This spend category should be used to record the cost of lab equipment not specified above. Any items which have a useful life of more than one year & a cost > or = to $5000 must be tagged by inventory control. | Yes | No | |
SC10615 | Lab/Research Supplies | This spend category should be used to record the cost of lab and research supplies that are not specified above. This excludes personal protective equipment (SC10047), filters (SC10214), chemicals (SC10186), meters (SC10262), detectors (SC10666), electronics (SC10176), or electronic supplies (SC10642). | No | No | |
Spend Category |
Spend Category Name |
Description of Spend Category |
Item is Considered Equipment | Tax Reportable |
Laundry and Linens | SC10159 | Linens | This spend category should be used to record the cost of linens. | No | No |
SC10232 | Laundry Equipment | This spend category should be used to record the cost of laundry equipment which has a useful life of more than one year & a cost > or = to $5000. All equipment must be tagged by inventory control. | Yes | No | |
SC10106 | Laundry Services | This spend category should be used to record the cost of laundry contracts. | No | Yes | |
SC10672 | Laundry Supplies | This spend category should be used to record the cost of laundry supplies. | No | No | |
Spend Category |
Spend Category Name |
Description of Spend Category |
Item is Considered Equipment | Tax Reportable |
Library | SC10409 | Library Collection - Books | This spend category should be used to record the cost of books purchased to serve as additions to the University's Library Collection, excluding Periodicals (SC10410). | Yes | No |
SC10410 | Library Collection - Periodicals | This spend category should be used to record the cost of periodicals purchased to serve as additions to the University's Library Collection, excluding Books (SC10409). | Yes | No | |
SC10293 | Library Supplies | This spend category should be used to record the cost of supplies and materials consumed by the work of maintaining the University's Library Collection. | No | No | |
Spend Category |
Spend Category Name |
Description of Spend Category |
Item is Considered Equipment | Tax Reportable |
Maintenance and Repair | SC10372 | Equipment Maintenance Agreements/Repair Contracts | This spend category should be used to record the cost of equipment maintenance agreements and/or repair contracts, excluding those agreements and/or contracts for copiers (SC10072), computers (SC10350), software (SC10006), and medical equipment maintenance (SC10617). | No | Yes |
SC10899 | Instrument Repair Parts | This spend category should be used to record the cost of instrument repair parts, excluding repair contracts (SC10372) and lab equipment repair (SC109430). | No | No | |
SC10943 | Lab Equipment Repair | This spend category should be used for the one-time repair of laboratory equipment. For ongoing maintenance use SC10372 Equipment Maintenance Agreements/Repair Contracts. | No | No | |
SC10076 | Lamps/Bulbs/Fixtures | This spend category should be used to record the cost of fluorescent and incandescent bulbs/lamps, excluding recycling of fluorescent lamps (SC10261). | No | No | |
SC10025 | Maintenance/Repair/Operating Equipment | This spend category should be used to record the cost of equipment for maintenance or repair of operating equipment which has a useful life of more than one year & a cost > or = to $5000. All equipment must be tagged by inventory control. This excludes equipment maintenance agreements and repair contracts (SC10372) and material handling equipment (SC10023). | Yes | No | |
SC10675 | Maintenance/Repair/Operating Supplies | This spend category should be used to record the cost of supplies used for maintenance and repair of operating equipment, excluding elevators (SC10239), software maintenance (SC10006), copiers (SC10072), and medical equipment (SC10617). | No | No | |
SC10023 | Material Handling Equipment | This spend category should be used to record the cost of material handling equipment which has a useful life of more than one year & a cost > or = $5000. All equipment must be tagged by inventory control. | Yes | No | |
SC10968 | Material Handling Supplies | This spend category should be used to record the cost of material handling supplies including pallet jacks, small fork trucks, and conveyers that have a cost of less than $5000. | No | No | |
SC10617 | Medical Equipment Maintenance | This spend category should be used to record the cost of maintenance of medical equipment. Excluding elevators (SC10239), software maintenance (SC10006), copiers (SC10072), and lab equipment repair (SC10943). | No | Yes | |
SC10166 | Repair Service | This spend category should be used to record the cost of repair services, excluding automotive (SC10318), building repairs (SC10249), fire code repairs (SC10379), elevators (SC10239), furniture (SC10080), grounds/lawns (SC10669), equipment maintenance agreements and repair contracts (SC10372), and maintenance/repair operating equipment (SC10025). | No | Yes | |
SC10690 | Water Softening and Conditioning Chemicals | This spend category should be used to record the cost of water softening and conditioning chemicals. | No | No | |
SC10436 | Miscellaneous Repair and Maintenance | This spend category should be used to record the cost of repair and maintenance not specified elsewhere. This excludes automotive (SC10318), building repairs (SC10249), copiers (SC10072), fire code repairs (SC10379), elevators (SC10239), furniture (SC10080), grounds/lawns (SC10669), software maintenance (SC10006), equipment maintenance agreements and repair contracts (SC10372), maintenance/repair operating equipment (SC10025), and medical and equipment (SC10617). | No | Yes | |
Spend Category |
Spend Category Name |
Description of Spend Category |
Item is Considered Equipment | Tax Reportable |
Medical and Veterinary | SC10243 | Medical Equipment | This spend category should be used to record the cost of medical equipment, excluding X-Ray equipment (SC10056), which has a useful life of more than one year & a cost > or = to $5000. All equipment must be tagged by inventory control. | Yes | No |
SC10061 | Medical Expenses | This spend category should be used to record the cost of medical expenses excluding direct payments for medical services. | No | No | |
SC10015 | Medical Supplies | This spend category should be used to record the cost of medical supplies, excluding personal protective equipment (SC10047). | No | No | |
SC10013 | Medical Services | This spend category should be used to record the cost of services rendered by medical professionals. | No | Yes | |
SC10929 | Medical Testing Services | This spend category should be used to record the cost of medical testing services, excluding non-medical/non-veterinary tests/testing lab services (SC10123), veterinary testing (SC10110), medical services (SC10013). | No | Yes | |
SC10225 | Pharmaceuticals | This spend category should be used to record the cost of pharmaceuticals. | No | No | |
SC10110 | Veterinary Services | This spend category should be used to record the cost of patient related veterinary services. | No | Yes | |
SC10296 | Veterinary Supplies | This spend category should be used to record the cost of veterinary supplies. | No | No | |
SC10056 | X-Ray Equipment | This spend category should be used to record the cost of X-Ray equipment which has a useful life of more than one year & a cost > or = to $5000. All equipment must be tagged by inventory control. | Yes | No | |
SC10691 | X-Ray Supplies | This spend category should be used to record the cost of X-Ray supplies. | No | No | |
Spend Category |
Spend Category Name |
Description of Spend Category |
Item is Considered Equipment | Tax Reportable |
Misc. Charges/Credits | SC10424 | Equipment Trade In | This spend category should be used to record the trade in value of equipment, when it has been traded in on the purchase of new equipment. | Yes | No |
SC10871 | Fraud/Dispute | This spend category should be used to record fraud and disputed charges on university credit cards. | No | No | |
SC10636 | Personal Charge on Credit Card | This spend category should be used to record personal charges on university credit cards. | No | No | |
SC10873 | U-Bill Charges | This spend category should be used to record moving expenses originally charged via P-Card or T&H Card to a U-Bill. | No | No | |
Spend Category |
Spend Category Name |
Description of Spend Category |
Item is Considered Equipment | Tax Reportable |
Office Supplies/ |
SC10098 | Books/Publications/Magazines/Media | This spend category should be used to record the cost of textbooks, professional texts & dictionaries used for admin or instructional purposes, excluding subscriptions to magazines, professional journals, information services (including the related updates) (SC10277) and acquisitions that are intended to serve as additions to the University's Library Collection (Books SC10409, Periodicals SC10410). | No | No |
SC10194 | Containers/Boxes/Bags/Cases/Packaging | This spend category should be used to record the cost of containers, boxes, and bags. | No | No | |
SC10072 | Copier - Maintenance | This spend category should be used to record the cost of copier maintenance contracts or service calls. | No | Yes | |
SC10665 | Copier - Supplies | This spend category should be used to record the cost of copier supplies not covered by a copier maintenance contract. | No | No | |
SC10084 | Copiers | This spend category should be used to record the cost of copiers. Any items which have a useful life of more than one year & a cost > or = to $5000 must be tagged by inventory control. | Yes | No | |
SC10825 | Decorations | This spend category should be used to record the cost of decorations, excluding artwork (SC10014). | No | No | |
SC10336 | Diplomas/Commencement Supplies/Gowns | This spend category should be used to record the cost of diplomas, commencement supplies, and gowns worn at commencement. | No | No | |
SC10237 | Educational/Classroom Supplies | This spend category should be used to record the cost of educational supplies and classroom supplies. | No | No | |
SC10140 | Fire Equipment/Extinguishers | This spend category should be used to record the cost of fire equipment including fire extinguishers. Excluding fire code repairs (SC10379). | No | No | |
SC10288 | Forms | This spend category should be used to record the cost of forms that are printed or purchased. | No | No | |
SC10921 | Monetary Awards or Gift Cards | This spend category should be used to record the cost of monetary awards or gift cards. This excludes the purchase of any non-monetary items (SC10920) like a plaque or a trophy. | No | Yes | |
SC10036 | Music Equipment | This spend category should be used to record the cost of music equipment which has a useful life of more than one year & a cost > or = to $5000. All equipment must be tagged by inventory control. | Yes | No | |
SC10676 | Music Supplies | This spend category should be used to record the cost of music supplies. | No | No | |
SC10057 | Paper - Bond/Duplicating/Printing Stock | This spend category should be used to record the cost of paper including bond, for duplicating and printing. | No | No | |
SC10920 | Prizes & Gifts (Non-monetary items) | This spend category should be used to record the cost of paying a non-monetary award to an individual (including a physical plaque, acrylic award, or trophy), excluding the purchase of gift cards (SC10921). | No | No | |
SC10091 | Promotional Items | This spend category should be used to record the cost of promotional items. | No | No | |
SC10125 | Safety Supplies | This spend category should be used to record the cost of environmental health and safety supplies, excluding personal protective equipment (SC10047), fire code repairs (SC10379), fire equipment including extinguishers (SC10140), and supplies and materials used to clean and sanitize (SC10671). | No | No | |
SC10284 | Signs/Flags/Tags | This spend category should be used to record the cost of signs. | No | No | |
SC10826 | Teaching and Learning Aids | This spend category should be used to record the cost of teaching and learning aids. | No | No | |
SC10685 | Theater Supplies | This spend category should be used to record the cost of supplies & materials directly related to theater productions like prop swords, pre-built props, etc. Items that are used in the production of sets (like paint, wood, etc.) or clothing items (dresses, shoes, etc. to be used for costumes) should be categorized in the spend categories that describe what they are (e.g. Paint as Paint Supplies, Wood as Building Materials, Clothing and Shoes as Clothing). | No | No | |
SC10345 | Uniforms, Fabric, Clothing, Shoes, Accesories | This spend category should be used to record the cost of custodial and food service uniforms and safety apparel. | No | No | |
SC10271 | Office Equipment | This spend category should be used to record the cost of office equipment, not specified above, which has a useful life of more than one year & a cost > or = to $5000. All equipment must be tagged by inventory control. Excludes copiers (SC10084). | Yes | No | |
SC10486 | Office Supplies | This spend category should be used to record the cost of office supplies excluding paper (SC10057), containers/boxes/bags (SC10194), books/publications/magazines (SC10098), decorations (SC10825), educational/classroom supplies (SC10237), environmental health and safety supplies (SC10125), and promotional items (SC10091). | No | No | |
Spend Category |
Spend Category Name |
Description of Spend Category |
Item is Considered Equipment | Tax Reportable |
Postal | SC10046 | Postage | This spend category should be used to record the cost of postage. | No | No |
SC10213 | Postal Equipment | This spend category should be used to record the cost of postal equipment which has a useful life of more than one year & a cost > or = to $5000. All equipment must be tagged by inventory control. | Yes | No | |
SC10678 | Postal Supplies | This spend category should be used to record the cost of postal supplies, excluding postage (SC10046). | No | No | |
Spend Category |
Spend Category Name |
Description of Spend Category |
Item is Considered Equipment | Tax Reportable |
Printing | SC10313 | Printing, Duplication, Copying Services | This spend category should be used to record the cost of printing, duplication, and/or copying services. | No | Yes |
SC10365 | Printing Equipment | This spend category should be used to record the cost of printing equipment which has a useful life of more than one year & a cost of $5000. All equipment must be tagged by inventory control. | Yes | No | |
SC10680 | Printing Supplies | This spend category should be used to record the cost of printing supplies. | No | No | |
Spend Category |
Spend Category Name |
Description of Spend Category |
Item is Considered Equipment | Tax Reportable |
Professional Services | SC10332 | Auditing Services | This spend category should be used to record the cost of services rendered by auditors. | No | Yes |
SC10093 | Banking Services | This spend category should be used to record the cost of banking services. | No | Yes | |
SC10246 | Collaborative Research Agreements | This spend category should be used to record the costs of collaborative research agreements. | No | Yes | |
SC10021 | Collection Agency Services | This spend category should be used to record the cost of services rendered by collection agencies. | No | Yes | |
SC10304 | Grant Writing Services | This spend category should be used to record the cost of professional services rendered by grant writers. | No | Yes | |
SC10919 | Honoraria | Payment to a person for services in a volunteer capacity or for services for which fees are not traditionally required, excluding any professional services, any routine services, or guest speakers/speakers (SC10247). | No | Yes | |
SC10038 | Interpreting/Translating Services | This spend category should be used to record the cost of services for interpreting, translating, captioning, and transcription. | No | Yes | |
SC10101 | Investigation Services | This spend category should be used to record the cost of professional services rendered by investigators. | No | Yes | |
SC10380 | Legal Services | This spend category should be used to record the cost of professional services rendered by legal consultants. | No | Yes | |
SC10112 | Marketing Services | This spend category should be used to record the cost of services rendered by marketing developers. | No | Yes | |
SC10211 | Media Buying Services | This spend category should be used to record the cost of professional services rendered by media buyers. | No | Yes | |
SC10173 | Research Services | This spend category should be used to record the cost of research services. | No | Yes | |
SC10119 | Search Firm Services | This spend category should be used to record the cost of professional services rendered by search firms. | No | Yes | |
SC10247 | Speakers/Guest Speakers | This spend category should be used to record payments to guest speakers and speakers who are not employees of the University. It is appropriate to utilize this classification for payments to presenters at seminars, conferences, or continuing education courses or programs. Note: the period of work must be brief in nature (one week or less) & nonrecurring. | No | Yes | |
SC10145 | Student Teacher Supervision | This spend category should be used to record the cost of services rendered by supervisors of student teachers. | No | Yes | |
SC10048 | Training Services | This spend category should be used to record the cost of services rendered by trainers. | No | Yes | |
SC10282 | Workspace Instructor | This spend category should be used to record the cost of services rendered by workspace instructors. | No | Yes | |
SC10235 | Professional Services - Consulting | This spend category should be used to record the cost of professional services rendered by consultants, not specified above. | No | Yes | |
SC10079 | Professional Services - Misc. | This spend category should be used to record the cost of professional services not specified above, including referees and judges. Excluding consultants (SC10235). | No | Yes | |
Spend Category |
Spend Category Name |
Description of Spend Category |
Item is Considered Equipment | Tax Reportable |
Public Safety | SC10115 | Firearms & Firearm Supplies | This spend category should be used to record the cost of firearms and firearm supplies. | No | No |
SC10040 | Saftey & Public Security Equipment | This spend category should be used to record the cost of safety and public security equipment which has a useful life of more than one year & a cost > or = to $5000. All equipment must be tagged by inventory control. | Yes | No | |
SC10683 | Public Security Supplies | This spend category should be used to record the cost of public security supplies, excluding supplies and materials used to clean and sanitize (SC10671), pest control supplies (SC10947). | No | No |
Spend Category |
Spend Category Name |
Description of Spend Category |
Item is Considered Equipment | Tax Reportable |
Rental and Leases | SC10020 | Rentals - Equipment/Tools | This spend category should be used to record the cost of tools and/or equipment that are leased or rented. | No | Yes |
SC10266 | Leases - Building/Land/Office | This spend category should be used to record the cost of leased or rented buildings, land, or office spaces. | No | Yes | |
SC10233 | Storage Facilities | This spend category should be used to record the cost of storage facilities. | No | Yes | |
SC10618 | Rentals (without IDC) |
This spend category should be used to record the cost of long-term leases of space (a year or more) such as off-site facility rentals, artwork rentals, and other rentals when IDC should not be included. Excluding those of tools or equipment (SC10020), office space (SC10266), storage facilities (SC10233). | No | Yes | |
SC10172 | Rentals (with IDC) |
This spend category should be used to record the cost of short-term facility rental services when IDC should be included. For example, table rentals, booth rentals, and electrical/data connection services. Excluding those of tools or equipment (SC10020), office space (SC10266), storage facilities (SC10233). | No | Yes | |
Spend Category |
Spend Category Name |
Description of Spend Category |
Item is Considered Equipment | Tax Reportable |
Services | SC10822 | Alarm Services | This spend category should be used to record the cost of alarm services, excluding access control services (SC10655). | No | Yes |
SC10029 | Auction Services | This spend category should be used to record the cost of auction services. | No | Yes | |
SC10340 | Aviation Services | This spend category should be used to record the cost of aviation services, excluding University Flight Services (SC10339), and airfare associated with employee travel (SC10418, SC10419), non-employee travel (SC10422, SC10423), study abroad travel (SC10342), or charter services (SC10242). | No | Yes | |
SC10820 | Background Check Services | This spend category should be used to record the expenses associated with using HireRight or other background check services. | No | Yes | |
SC10823 | Cable/Satellite TV Service | This spend category should be used to record the cost of cable and satellite TV service. | No | No | |
SC10337 | Concessions | This spend category should be used to record the cost of concessions. | No | No | |
SC10363 | Data Access Services | This spend category should be used to record the cost of data access services, excluding those associated with an off-site facility rental (SC10618). | No | Yes | |
SC10656 | Disaster Recovery | This spend category should be used to record the cost of disaster recovery services. | No | Yes | |
SC10030 | Employment Services | This spend category should be used to record the cost of employment services. | No | Yes | |
SC10935 | Inspection Services | This spend category should be used to record the cost of inspection services. | No | Yes | |
SC10328 | Law Enforcement Services | This spend category should be used to record the cost of law enforcement services. | No | Yes | |
SC10210 | Machining/Fabrication Service | This spend category should be used to record the cost of machining and fabrication services. | No | Yes | |
SC10066 | Microfilm Services | This spend category should be used to record the cost of microfilm services. | No | Yes | |
SC10121 | Moving Services | This spend category should be used to record the cost of household moving services. | No | Yes | |
SC10936 | Plumbing Services | This spend category should be used to record the cost of plumbing services, excluding those associated with construction (SC10116). | No | Yes | |
SC10657 | Power Plant Services | This spend category should be used to record the cost of power plant services. | No | Yes | |
SC10092 | Publication Services | This spend category should be used to record the cost of publication services. | No | Yes | |
SC10069 | Recycling | This spend category should be used to record the cost of recycling services, excluding recycling fluorescent lamps (SC10261). | No | Yes | |
SC10065 | Restrooms - Portable | This spend category should be used to record the cost of renting portable restrooms. | No | Yes | |
SC10351 | Technical Services | This spend category should be used to record the cost of technical services including equipment calibration, property appraisals, fabrication, and modeling. | No | Yes | |
SC10123 | Tests/Testing Lab Services(Non-Medical/Non-Veterinary) | This spend category should be used to record the cost of non-veterinary and non-medical testing and testing lab services. Medical services (SC10013), veterinary testing (SC10110), medical testing services (SC10929). | No | Yes | |
SC10339 | University Flight Services | This spend category should be used to record the charges for University Flight Services. | No | No | |
SC10088 | Services - Misc. | This spend category should be used to record the cost of all services not specified above. | No | Yes | |
Spend Category |
Spend Category Name |
Description of Spend Category |
Item is Considered Equipment | Tax Reportable |
Software | SC10006 | Software - Perpetual Licenses & Maintenance | This spend category should be used to record the cost of perpetual software licenses and maintenance, excluding software subscriptions and software as a service (SC10415). | No | Yes |
SC10231 | Software - Programming/Development | This spend category should be used to record the cost of programming and development of software. | No | Yes | |
SC10094 | Software - Website/App Development | This spend category should be used to record the cost of website and or App development. | No | Yes | |
SC10415 | Software Subscription/SAAS | This spend category should be used to record the cost of software subscriptions and software as a service, excluding perpetual software licenses and maintenance (SC10006). | No | Yes | |
Spend Category |
Spend Category Name |
Description of Spend Category |
Item is Considered Equipment | Tax Reportable |
Subject/Trainee Payments | SC10122 | Stipends - Participant Support Cost | This spend category should be used to record the cost of trainee or internship stipends. If charged to a grant, this would be included in participant support cost budget line and no IDC is to be charged. This spend category can only be used on Supplier Invoices and can not be used on P-Card transactions, non-catalog requisitions, or POs. | Yes | |
SC10138 | Broadcast/Satellite Equipment | This spend category should be used to record the cost of broadcast and satellite equipment, excluding audio broadcast equipment (SC10348), which has a useful life of more than one year & a cost > or = to $5000. All equipment must be tagged by inventory control. | Yes | No | |
Spend Category |
Spend Category Name |
Description of Spend Category |
Item is Considered Equipment | Tax Reportable |
Telecommunications | SC10156 | Radio Communication/Pagers Equipment | This spend category should be used to record the cost of radio communication and pager equipment. Any items which have a useful life of more than one year & a cost > or = to $5000 must be tagged by inventory control. | Yes | No |
SC10681 | Radio Communication/Pagers Supplies | This spend category should be used to record the cost of radio communication and pager supplies. | No | No | |
SC10390 | Telecommunications | This spend category should be used to record the cost of plant capital telecommunications. | No | No | |
SC10383 | Telecommunication Equipment | This spend category should be used to record the cost of telecommunications equipment which has a useful life of more than one year & a cost > or = to $5000. All equipment must be tagged by inventory control. Excluding radios and pagers (SC10156) and cell phones (SC10192) | Yes | No | |
SC10192 | Telecommunications - Cellular Telephones | This spend category should be used to record the cost of cell phones. | No | No | |
SC10684 | Telecommunications Supplies | This spend category should be used to record the cost of telecommunications supplies, excluding radio communication and pager supplies (SC10681). | No | No | |
Spend Category |
Spend Category Name |
Description of Spend Category |
Item is Considered Equipment | Tax Reportable |
Tools and Hardware | SC10359 | Hardware | This spend category should be used to record the cost of hardware, excluding computer hardware (SC10256, SC10300, SC10341, SC10163, SC10254) | No | No |
SC10653 | Tools - CNC Machine | This spend category should be used to record the cost of CNC Machines. | Yes | No | |
SC10155 | Tools | This spend category should be used to record the cost of power tools, tool belts, tool boxes, excluding CNC Machines (SC10653). | No | No | |
Spend Category |
Spend Category Name |
Description of Spend Category |
Item is Considered Equipment | Tax Reportable |
Travel and Hospitality | SC10298 | Lodging - Domestic | This spend category should be used to record the cost of group lodging within the United States that is paid through a requisition. | No | Yes |
SC10864 | Lodging - Foreign | This spend category should be used to record the cost of group lodging outside of the United States that is paid through a requisition. | No | No | |
SC10251 | Prepaid Lodging-Domestic | This spend category should be used to record the cost of group lodging within the United States when a deposit is required to hold the space and is paid through a requisition. | No | Yes | |
SC10324 | Prepaid Lodging-Foreign | This spend category should be used to record the cost of group lodging outside of the United States when a deposit is required to hold the space and is paid through a requisition. | No | No | |
SC10252 | Study Abroad Facility Rental | This spend category should be used to record the cost of facility rental for study abroad trips. | No | Yes | |
SC10342 | Study Abroad Travel | This spend category should be used to record the costs of Study Abroad Travel, excluding facility rental (SC10252). | No | Yes | |
SC10073 | Study Abroad Other Expenses | This spend category should be used to record the costs associated with Study Abroad including tour fees, entrance fees, guides, program fees, etc., excluding Facility Rental (SC10252) and Travel (SC10342). | No | Yes | |
SC10242 | Travel - Charter | This spend category should be used to record the cost of chartered travel services. | No | Yes | |
SC10418 | Travel - Domestic - Employee | This spend category should be used to record the cost of employee domestic travel. Domestic travel includes travel within the US, DC, or territories and possessions of the US. Domestic travel costs include airfare, mileage, car rental, lodging, meals, living allowances, taxis, calls, copying, etc.. Taxable meals/living allowances may be IRS reportable as taxable income. Includes student travel related to employment. Excludes students traveling for academic or other non-employment purposes (SC10422) or study abroad (SC10342). | No | No | |
SC10422 | Travel - Domestic - Non Employee | This spend category should be used to record the cost of non-employee domestic travel. Domestic travel includes travel within the US, DC, or territories and possessions of the US. Students traveling for academic or other non-employment purposes should use this code. Domestic travel costs includes air, mileage, car rental, lodging, meals, business calls, registration fees, and copying. Taxable meals etc. may be reported to the IRS as taxable income. | No | No | |
SC10419 | Travel - Foreign - Employee | This spend category should be used to record the cost of employee foreign travel outside the US. Foreign travel costs include airfare, mileage, car rental, lodging, meals, living allowances, taxis, calls, copying, etc.. Taxable meals/living allowances may be IRS reportable as taxable income. Includes student travel related to employment. Excludes students traveling for academic or other non-employment purposes (SC10423) or study abroad (SC10342). | No | No | |
SC10423 | Travel - Foreign - Non Employee | This spend category should be used to record the cost of nonemployee foreign travel outside the US. Students traveling for academic or other non-employment purposes should use this code. Foreign travel costs include airfare, car rental, lodging, meals, living allowances, taxi, business calls, registration fees and copying. Taxable meals etc. may be reported to the IRS as taxable income. Excludes study abroad travel (SC10342). | No | No | |
SC10103 | Hospitality Expenses | This spend category should be used to record the cost of university sponsored events, activities and other hospitality including meals and refreshments for guests/interviewees/students with a university business purpose, excluding catering (SC10291). | No | Yes | |
SC10291 | Catering | This spend category should be used to record the cost of catering at university-sponsored events, activities, meetings, and conferences with a university business purpose. Excludes hospitality expenses for guests/interviewees/students (SC10103). | No | Yes | |
SC10236 | Travel | This spend category should be used to record the costs of travel that are not specified above. | No | No | |
Spend Category |
Spend Category Name |
Description of Spend Category |
Item is Considered Equipment | Tax Reportable |
Utilities | SC10217 | Utilities - Electricity | This spend category should be used to record the cost of electricity. | No | No |
SC10347 | Utilities - Natural Gas | This spend category should be used to record the cost of natural gas. | No | No | |
SC10314 | Utilities - Water & Sewer | This spend category should be used to record the cost of water and sewer. | No | No | |
SC10391 | Utility Systems Supplies | This spend category should be used to record the cost of supplies to maintain utility systems. | No | No | |
SC10055 | Power Plant Supplies | This spend category should be used to record the cost of supplies for the power plant. | No | No | |
SC10346 | Utilities - Other | This spend category should be used to record the cost of all utilities not specified above. | No | No | |
Spend Category |
Spend Category Name |
Description of Spend Category |
Item is Considered Equipment | Tax Reportable |
Vehicles/Aviation | SC10318 | Automotive - Repairs | This spend category should be used to record the cost of automotive repairs. | No | Yes |
SC10150 | Automotive - Vehicles | This spend category should be used to record the cost of automotive vehicles, excluding utility vehicles and golf carts (SC10201). Any items which have a useful life of more than one year & a cost > or = to $5000 must be tagged by inventory control. | Yes | No | |
SC10371 | Automotive Supplies | This spend category should be used to record the cost of automotive supplies. | No | No | |
SC10222 | Boats/Canoes/Motors/Marine | This spend category should be used to record the cost of boats, canoes, motorboats, etc... Any items which have a useful life of more than one year & a cost > or = to $5000 must be tagged by inventory control. | Yes | No | |
SC10033 | Trailers | This spend category should be used to record the cost of trailers. Any items which have a useful life of more than one year & a cost > or = to $5000 must be tagged by inventory control. | Yes | No | |
SC10201 | Utility Vehicles/Golf Carts | This spend category should be used to record the cost of utility vehicles and golf carts. Any items which have a useful life of more than one year & a cost > or = to $5000 must be tagged by inventory control. | Yes | No | |
SC10286 | Aviation Equipment | This spend category should be used to record the cost of aviation equipment which has a useful life of more than one year & a cost > or = to $5000. All equipment must be tagged by inventory control. | Yes | No | |
SC10662 | Aviation Supplies | This spend category should be used to record the cost of aviation supplies. | No | No | |
Spend Category |
Spend Category Name |
Description of Spend Category |
Item is Considered Equipment | Tax Reportable |
Vending | SC10024 | Vending Equipment | This spend category should be used to record the cost of vending equipment which has a useful life of more than one year & a cost > or = to $5000. All equipment must be tagged by inventory control. | Yes | No |
SC10045 | Vending Services | This spend category should be used to record the cost of vending services, excluding equipment (SC10024) and supplies (SC10687). | No | Yes | |
SC10687 | Vending Supplies | This spend category should be used to record the cost of vending supplies. | No | No | |
Spend Category |
Spend Category Name |
Description of Spend Category |
Item is Considered Equipment | Tax Reportable |
Waste, Hazardous Waste and Recycling | SC10028 | Asbestos/Lead/Mold Abatement | This spend category should be used to record the cost of asbestos abatement, lead abatement, and/or mold abatement, excluding hazardous waste disposal (SC10117). | No | Yes |
SC10190 | Coal/Natural Gas/Ash Disposal | This spend category should be used to record the disposal cost of coal, natural gas, or ash. | No | Yes | |
SC10117 | Hazardous Waste Disposal | This spend category should be used to record the cost of hazardous waste disposal. | No | Yes | |
SC10366 | Radioactive Detection/Disposal Equipment | This spend category should be used to record the cost of radioactive detection and radioactive disposal equipment which has a useful life of more than one year & a cost > or = to $5000. All equipment must be tagged by inventory control. | Yes | No | |
SC10261 | Recycling - Fluorescent Lamps | This spend category should be used to record the cost of recycling fluorescent lamps. | No | Yes | |
SC10131 | Waste Containers | This spend category should be used to record the cost of the rental of waste containers, excluding rental services (SC10172). | No | No | |
SC10059 | Waste Disposal | This spend category should be used to record the cost of waste disposal, excluding waste containers (SC10131), hazardous waste disposal (SC10117), and coal/natural gas/ash disposal (SC10190). | No | Yes |