Staff Spotlight
Lesley Lackore, the card services manager of our card services team, and her four cats are this issue's spotlight!

Lesley Lackore
Role in Procurement Services - Card Services Manager
After working with the p-card program for nearly 20 years, and with the procurement department’s expansion of card programs available to serve the needs of our campus community, I now fill the role of card services manager. I am responsible for our banking relationship with provider US Bank, I work as a part of the card services team to develop effective procedures in managing our card programs, and I assist cardholders primarily in resolving fraud and dispute issues. In addition, I am the functional area contact for IT Services with regard to card program data integration issues, which create the Procurement Card Verification (PCV) documents and make travel and hospitality (T&H) card transactions available to add to expense reports.
Educational Background and Employment History
I began my adventure at ISU as a journalism major with an emphasis in public relations and completed that chapter with a Bachelor of Liberal Studies with an emphasis in business and communication. Before returning to ISU as an employee, I worked for the Wall Street Journal in circulation and got my first experience with procurement at Burke Corporation in Nevada. After 14 months working in the agricultural education and studies department, I came to purchasing to implement the new web requisitioning system and administer the p-card program. Over the years, our card programs have grown along with the industry as a whole, and I have been active in the National Association of Purchasing Card Professionals as a member, speaker and facilitator. I was among the first cohort to earn the NAPCP’s Certified Purchasing Card Professional credential, and was awarded the 2016 Community Champion Award for leading their national Higher Education Advisory Team.
What do you like to do outside of work?
While I was a student at ISU, I was one of the few non-majors selected to study privately with the voice faculty, and singing and choral music has been an important part of my life ever since. I have sung with the Iowa State Singers, the Des Moines Choral Society, the Ames Chamber Artists and have conducted church choirs in the Ames area for more than 25 years. I enjoy traveling, gardening, maintaining my 111-year-old home, and serving as staff to four spoiled house cats.