Contracts by Commodity

Bromberg & Associates

Procurement Agent: Alec Johnson*
Product: Translation and Interpreting
Contract Number: SCN-1013101
Address: 32910 W Thirteen Mile RD, STE E-504
Farmington Hills, MI 48334
Representative: Jinny Bromberg
Type of Contract: Contractual Rate Agreement
Term of Contract: 9/26/2022 - 06/30/2024

Contract Description:

Real-time, on-demand and pre-scheduled ASL remote interpreting (VRI) and Communication Access Realtime Translation (CART).
VRI for ASL: $2.50/minute ($150/hour), video conferencing 1 hour minimum, no minimum for on-demand
CART: $135/hour with 1 hour minimum

How to do Business with Supplier:

For student needs, please coordinate needed services through Student Accessibility Services:

For employee needs, please coordinate needed services through University Human Resources:

For event based needs, please contact the supplier directly. Create a non-catalog requisition in Workday with any accompanying information about the requested purchase to Procurement Services (i.e. order form, quote, email from supplier, etc.). If you need assistance creating a non-catalog requisition in Workday, email the information to