How Do I Buy...
Tests & Testing Lab Services
Procurement Agent(s): |
Jennifer Rogers |
This category is for lab testing services. Test kits and test supplies are covered under Lab equipment and supplies (Lab E/S).
If services will be continually purchased over a long period of time, please complete the Contract Request Form.
Procurement Procedure:
To find the best way to procure the goods or services in this category,
please answer each of the following questions by clicking [yes] or [no].
Create a non-catalog requisition in Workday with any accompanying information about the requested purchase to Procurement Services (i.e. order form, quote, email from supplier, etc.). If you need assistance creating a non-catalog requisition in Workday, email the information to
Do you have an ISU Purchasing Card and will the supplier accept the card for the transaction?
Create a non-catalog requisition in Workday with any accompanying information about the requested purchase to Procurement Services (i.e. order form, quote, email from supplier, etc.). If you need assistance creating a non-catalog requisition in Workday, email the information to