Find your card transactions with the ISU My P-Card Transactions report and the Expense Hub
If you recently searched for the ISU My Card Transactions report in Workday, you may not have found it.
Cardholders reported to the card services team that this report was missing some of their travel and hospitality (T&H) Card transactions. We discovered some transactions were omitted from the report based on cardholders’ Workday security roles. Cardholders may find this misleading, so we wanted to direct cardholders to a more accurate report of transactions that need to be processed.
The ISU My Card Transactions report is now ISU My P-Card Transactions. This report displays only P-Card transactions, and ticking the “Transactions in Progress Only” checkbox will exclude transactions that have already been approved.
This change doesn’t allow you to see all transactions for both cards in one place, but cardholders have access to the Expenses Hub in Workday, which is the most accurate report of your T&H Card transactions.
To view T&H Card Transactions, click on the Expenses Hub app and then the Expense Transactions tab. To create an expense report for these transactions (and any reimbursements) use this knowledge base article to guide you through the process.
Also, if you had the ISU My Card Transactions report saved as a shortcut, please remove it and configure and save a new shortcut for the ISU My P-Card Transactions report.