cyBUY Supplier Reviews: Your Opportunity to Provide Feedback
If you’ve made a purchase through a cyBUY Supplier in the last year, you may have received an invitation to complete a cyBUY Feedback Survey as part of the Annual cyBUY Supplier Review process.
If you didn’t receive a survey directly, we still welcome your feedback! A feedback survey link has been added to many of our supplier contract pages.
The information collected through the cyBUY Feedback Survey will not only be used during the Annual cyBUY Supplier Review Process, but we will also monitor the survey responses received through the supplier contract pages throughout the year. We hope that having the survey open and available throughout the year will enable you to provide feedback when you are interacting with the suppliers.
Your feedback as end users is critical to the annual cyBUY Supplier Review Process and to building relationships with cyBUY suppliers, so we hope to hear from you when things are going well and if/when they are not.
The Annual cyBUY Supplier Review Process occurs each spring when Procurement Services conducts a review meeting with each of the suppliers listed in the cyBUY Marketplace. During each of these meetings Procurement Services and the supplier:
Review spend on the contract.
Discuss catalog features and any pending enhancements.
Identify any issues before they become a problem.
Ensure the supplier is performing up to the required and agreed-to levels.
We greatly appreciate cyBUY users taking the time to complete the cyBUY Feedback Survey(s) as it helps Procurement Services to identify issues, identify additional enhancements users would like to see, and to have a user perspective on the products and services offered to Iowa State University to use during discussions with the supplier.