New Staples Promotional Items Catalog and Opportunity to Meet Iowa State's Staples Representative
New Staples Promotional Items Catalog
The next time you click on the Staples Promotional Items icon from the cyBUY Marketplace, you will be linked to the full Staples Promotional Items Catalog where you can electronically request a quote for customized promotional items!
The items that were previously found when you clicked on the Staples Promotional Items Catalog are still available within the new larger catalog. If you haven’t used cyBUY in a while, check out our 10- step visual Quick Reference: cyBUY Ordering!
This new catalog will work like the other catalogs that are available through the cyBUY Marketplace in that it will transfer your order back into Workday when you are ready to place the order, contain contracted pricing, and be tax exempt. The difference with this catalog is the opportunity to request a quote from Staples after you’ve “shopped” and then, once you have that quote and approval to use any Iowa State University trademarks from the Trademark and Licensing Office, the ability to go back into the Staples Promotional Items Catalog and enter your quote number.
Entering your quote number is the step that will allow you to create a requisition and route it through the approval process in Workday. The approved requisition will then create a PO which orders the item(s) and charges your worktag.
You are also welcome to reach out directly to the Staples Promotional Items Team to discuss options and obtain a quote. All of the contact information for our current representatives is available on our cyBUY Supplier Information page.
If you have questions when completing an order through the Staples Promotional Items Catalog, or any catalog in the cyBUY Marketplace, please contact the cyBUY Helpdesk or 294-7568 so that we can assist you.
Iowa State’s Staples Representative Will be in Ames on August 3rd
If you are interested in meeting with an Iowa State Staples Promotional Items representative, Allison Dunklau will be in Ames on August 3rd and is making appointments between 9AM and 2:15PM to discuss current and future projects. If you are interested in meeting with her, and receiving a 10% discount for doing so, please use her Calendly to sign up for a meeting time on August 3rd.