Staples Promotional Products Catalog is Now Available in cyBUY!
The Staples Promotional Products Catalog is now available in the cyBUY Marketplace and provides Iowa State University Employees with an additional option for purchasing promotional products!
How is the Staples Promotional Products catalog like other cyBUY supplier catalogs?
- Accessible through Workday
- Contracted pricing
- Tax exempt
- Will operate like other cyBUY catalogs allowing you to transfer your order back into Workday when you click checkout. This will create a requisition that contains your Worktags and routes through the approval process (No need to use a P-Card).
What is unique about the Staples Promotional Products Catalog?
- All standard products available within the catalog have been approved by Iowa State University Trademark and Licensing.
- Items can be viewed in person by visiting Procurement Services in the Administrative Services Building (ASB). *If you are interested in viewing the available items in person, appointments to visit Procurement Services are currently required, please email to schedule a date and time.
- Items can be ordered in large or small quantities.
- The minimum number of items that can be ordered varies by item and is marked on each item in the catalog.
- Looking to order large quantities? Utilizing the Staples Promotional Products Catalog provides the option to order the items, have them warehoused by Staples, and then shipped out as needed.
If you would like to learn more about this new catalog and how to use it our next cyBUY Staples Promotional Products Orientation Session will be offered virtually on Thursday, January 28th at 9:00 AM. If you are interested in attending, please register through Learn@ISU as the link to join the session will be emailed to all registered individuals prior to the session. Once you have logged in, search for Staples and then click on List Events to join.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the Staples Promotional Products Catalog or the cyBUY Marketplace, please contact so that we can assist you.