New Supplier Contracts
A one-time, annual, or multi-year Supplier Contract is created and issued by Procurement Services for the purchasing of goods and services for a specified period of time.
Using an annual or multi-year Supplier Contract allows Procurement Services to competitively bid prices or negotiate pricing for goods and services that are ordered repetitively (such as laboratory supplies, equipment maintenance, software, professional services, chemicals, petroleum products, and other items).
Complete a Contract Request Form to request a one-time, annual, or multi-year Supplier Contract for:
Professional Services
- Professional services are defined as unique, technical performed by an independent contractor qualified by education, experience, and/or technical ability to provide services. The services rendered are predominately intellectual in character, even though the contractor may not be required to be licensed. Professional services engagements may involve partnerships, corporations, or individuals.
- Examples include: consulting, marketing analysis, banking services, medical services, physicians, software development/design, and auditing services.
Routine Services
- Examples include: small equipment rental, laboratory testing services, construction services, computer programming, editing, workspace, and teacher supervision.
Service Agreements
- Examples include: equipment repair services, service/maintenance contracts for equipment (ex: scientific, office, appliances, food service, etc.), waste/recycling disposal.
Software License or Subscription Agreements
- Examples include: software purchase or usage agreements, online subscription agreements or end-user license agreement.
Goods or Parts
- Examples include: Goods or parts to be ordered on an as-needed basis.
Equipment Loan Agreements
- Examples include: the trial, loan, demonstration, or evaluation of equipment.
Lease Agreement or Test Plot Agreements
- Examples include: the lease, sale, purchase, transfer or any other transaction involving an interest in real property (ex: office space, buildings, land)
Completing a Contract Request Form will give the Procurement Agents the information they need to create the one-time, annual, or multi-year supplier contract.
Please make sure to upload any additional information you may have regarding the contract or agreement, including pdfs of emails, additional documentation, etc. The form is able to accept a maximum of three separate attachments, but you are welcome to combine documents before attaching if you have more than three.
A Procurement Agent will review the submitted Contract Request Form and contact you, or the department contact you listed on the form, with any additional questions.
Once the Supplier Contract is created in Workday, it will route to the Cost Center Manager(s) for the Worktag(s) for approval.
Renewing Supplier Contracts
Requesting Renewal
If you need to renew a current Supplier Contract, please email the Procurement Agent who assisted with the current Supplier Contract directly with the SCN-####### of the current contract and the name of the supplier. Contact information for each of the Procurement Agents can be found on our Staff Page.
If you do not know the Procurement Agent’s name, you may e-mail the SCN-####### of the current contract and the name of the supplier to
All Supplier Contract renewals will also route to the Cost Center Manager(s) for the Worktag(s) listed on the contract.
Supplier Contract Amendments
If you’ve received a Supplier Contract Amendment(s) in Workday, they are routed by the Procurement Agent on the current contract to the Cost Center Managers of the departments or units.
The Procurement Agents need the Cost Center Managers to verify with the individual department or unit if the contract should be renewed, if there need to be changes to the contract before it is renewed, or if the contract should be canceled after the current contract expires.
- If the department or unit would like to renew the contract, the Cost Center Manager should verify the following:
- If the requestor/ship-to contact information is still appropriate.
- If the Worktag information is current and correct.
- If the information contained in the Contract Overview box (directly above the goods/services lines) is accurate.
If these items are correct and accurate, the Cost Center Manager should approve the Supplier Contract Amendment.
If one of the items listed above needs to be changed or something needs to be added, the Cost Center Manager should communicate that through the comment box to the Procurement Agent and send back the Supplier Contract Amendment.
- If the department or unit would like to make any changes to the contract before renewing, or if the contract should be canceled after the current contract expires, the Cost Center Manager should communicate that through the comment box to the Procurement Agent and send back the Supplier Contract Amendment.
Once the Procurement Agent receives the approval, the changes needed, or the notification that the contract should be canceled after the current contract expires, they will then contact the supplier to renew the contract, get new pricing, request a formal quote for the contract, or cancel the renewal of the contract.
Current Supplier Contracts
University contracts can be found under Contracts. You can view current University contracts by either supplier name or by commodity.
These contracts are available for use by all university departments and units. Please refer to each of the individual contract pages for instructions on how to use these contracts.