Procurement Newsletter Summer 2021



Announcing the 2021 Supplier Award Winners!

We are excited to recognize five outstanding suppliers in the 2021 Supplier Awards!  Continue reading →


New Options for Purchasing Gift Cards through Procurement Services

If you are looking to purchase gift cards for university business purposes, including participant payments, awards, prizes, and/or recognition, we now have six gift card options available to you! Continue reading →


 Card Services News

New Local Supplier Information Including Menards, Home Depot, and Sam’s Club

When planning to use your P-Card to make purchases from Menards, Home Depot, or Sam’s Club be sure to visit the Local Supplier Information page, prior to heading to the store.  Continue reading →


Fraud Alert! Get a call from U.S. Bank? Let the Card Services Team know ASAP.

Occasionally, our card provider, U.S. Bank, will contact cardholders directly about possible fraudulent activity on their cards.  Recently, two Iowa State University cardholders received a call from U.S. Bank customer service…  Continue reading →


Card Change Requests – New Process

Card limit changes or other special requests can now be initiated in Workday by the cardholder. Continue reading →


Benefits of the Travel and Hospitality (T&H) Card for Those Returning to Travel

The easing of COVID-19 restrictions has meant a return to travel for many Iowa State employees, and a return of employee travel expenses. Continue reading →


 cyBUY Corner

Notifications to Act on Open cyBUY POs

Some of you may have noticed that automated reminders are now being sent through Workday for cyBUY Purchase Orders that have been open for more than 60 days. Continue reading →


Offer from Staples Promotional Products

Staples is currently offering free shipping on all orders under $5,000 placed though the cyBUY Marketplace in Workday on 8/2/2021 – 8/4/2021. Continue reading →


 Procurement Spotlight

Spotlighting Recent Successes – University Wide Copier Contract now with Access Systems

On June 1, 2021 our University wide copier contract began with our new supplier, Access Systems!   Continue reading →


Staff Spotlight

Our Staff Spotlight this Newsletter is on Stacy Sassman and Tisha Campbell! Continue reading →


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9/30 - cyBUY Supplier Show (MU Great Hall)

7/28 - Card Programs - Beyond the Basics

8/5 - Travel & Hospitality Card Orientation

8/5 - Purchasing Card Orientation

8/10 - Purchasing Gift Cards: Orientation

8/12 - cyBUY Amazon Business Registration

8/19 - Purchasing Gift Cards: Orientation

8/24 - Purchasing Card Orientation

8/25 - Purchasing Gift Cards: Orientation

9/14 - cyBUY Amazon Business Registration

To sign up for training, go to Learn@ISU, sign in and search for Procurement Services. This is not an exhaustive list of training as new events are added a month in advance.