Welcome Back to the Fall Semester! As things continue to ramp up for the academic year, Procurement Services would like to provide you with some new resources, and to remind you of some existing resources, that are available to assist you in getting the year started off right! Want to buy something but don’t know where to start? |
The Procurement and Payment Methods Webpage a great place to start! This webpage contains items that do not require a PO or SCN to make the purchase, outlines exactly what you need to do to make the purchase, and lists the documentation required for each situation. Items not listed will need to be submitted through a non-catalog requisition so that a PO can be issued or via the contract request form (if it will be ongoing for a year or more or will be renewed annually) so that an SCN can be issued. Please note that this is a lengthy webpage, but you can use control and f to search for a keyword on the page. We hope you will find this resource helpful when determining how to initiate purchases that do not require a PO or SCN! University Internal Stores |
What is available on campus through Internal University Stores? Central Stores Central Stores has over 6,000 products available on campus and a storefront located in 192 General Services Building. Central Stores offers breakroom supplies, electrical supplies, hardware/tools, janitorial supplies, lubricants & automotive supplies, paint and painting supplies, paper, plumbing and insulation supplies, refrigeration supplies, safety supplies, gardening supplies, and office supplies through the online catalog and in the physical storefront. Chemistry Stores Chemistry Stores offers a wide range of research, laboratory, and chemical supplies in addition to a Lab Coat Cleaning Service. There are over 2,000 in stock items, and their inventory includes liquid nitrogen, dry ice, chemicals, solvents, enzymes, media, glassware, lab supplies and equipment, and ceramics. Chemistry Stores also supplies all of the industrial, high-purity, and specialty gasses for Iowa State University. Orders can be placed through the online catalog or through the storefront in 1400 Gilman. ISU Bookstore The ISU Bookstore offers not only books but a wide variety of apparel and gifts with the trademarked Iowa State University logos and images and is our Apple Authorized Campus Store. Orders can be placed online through the website, in-person in the store in the Memorial Union, or if you have questions or want to submit an order via phone, you can call 515-294-5684. Printing Services Printing Services offers a wide range of materials and services, including posters, banners, signage, finishing and bindery services, variable data printing, mailing and postal services, thesis /dissertation printing and binding, kitting and assembly services, printing business cards and letterhead, offset printing, and digital printing. If you know what you need, orders can be placed directly through the website, and if you need a little assistance figuring out what would work best for your project, you can call 515-294-3601 and a Printing Services Staff Member will assist you. Transportation Services Transportation Services offers vehicle rentals, vehicle wraps and signage, vehicle up-fits, titles and licensing, employee vanpool, and special event, field trips, and airport shuttles. Information on how to access each service provided by Transportation Services can be found on the website. Vehicle reservations, as well as shuttle requests for special events, field trips, and trips to the airport, can all be made online through the website. Wondering what you can order through the cyBUY Marketplace in Workday? The cyBUY Supplier Information Webpage contains information about each of the suppliers available through the cyBUY Marketplace, the most commonly purchased items from those suppliers, and the shipping information for orders submitted through their catalog. A couple of our existing cyBUY Suppliers have undergone business name changes, which may make them a little more difficult to find. Office Depot is now listed in the cyBUY Marketplace as ODP, and if you are looking for Perkin Elmer, they are now Revvity Health Sciences. Amazon Business is also available through the cyBUY Marketplace, but you must attend the cyBUY Amazon Business Training to gain access. If you haven’t yet taken the training and are interested in doing so, please register for an upcoming session. Need to submit an order through the cyBUY Marketplace, but are new to cyBUY or in need of a quick refresher? Our Quick Reference: cyBUY Ordering is a visual guide that highlights the 11 steps you need to take to successfully submit a cyBUY order!
Purchasing Card (P-Card) and Travel and Hospitality (T&H) Cards |
Tax Exemption and Making Sure You Receive it! We know it’s confusing, but here are three resources we have available to help you to navigate receiving tax exemption! 1) Making a Purchase at a Local Store (ex: Menards, Lowe’s, Sam’s Club, Target, Theisen’s, Walmart)? Please check the Local Supplier Information Webpage before heading to the store so that you have the most up-to-date information we have regarding doing business with that supplier. Summer is often the time when our local suppliers choose to update systems and processes, including their tax exemption policies and procedures, and this summer was no exception! Several local stores now require you to bring additional information with you to the store to make a purchase on behalf of Iowa State University with your P-Card or T&H Card, AND the South Duff Walmart now has different requirements than the North Grand Walmart! If you have information about using your P-Card or T&H Card at a local supplier that would help your colleagues do business with that supplier, please email procurement@iastate.edu to let us know. We are always looking to expand our resources for our colleagues! 2) Using the Iowa State University Sales Tax Exemption Number The sleeves provided with your P-Card and your T&H Card have the Iowa State University Tax Exemption number on them (1-85000775M). With some suppliers, all you will need to do is provide that number at the time of purchase to receive tax exemption. If you need a new card sleeve, please email cardservices@iastate.edu and let us know if you need a sleeve for your P-Card or your T&H Card and the address to which it should be sent! 3) Requesting a Tax Exemption Certificate Gone are the days when one Tax Exemption Certificate could be used for any supplier. The Iowa Department of Revenue now requires a supplier-specific certificate, which can be requested through our online Sales Tax Exemption Request Form. The company name and address are required fields on the form, as this information is needed to create a Tax Exemption Certificate for that supplier. Should you use a P-Card or a T&H Card to make the purchase? Check out the P-Card or T&H Card: Which should I use? Webpage to find out which card is appropriate to use (and won't be declined).
What about snacks or refreshments? Hospitality purchases include things such as group meals with interview candidates, guests/visitors, and students, but they also include snacks, refreshments, and ANY food items purchased for meetings and events, even those items purchased at Sam’s Club, Walmart, Hy-Vee, Fareway, Aldi, or Target!
Please make sure that you are using your Travel and Hospitality (T&H) Card to make all hospitality purchases, including those purchased from a supplier that isn’t classified as a restaurant or caterer. If you don’t yet have a T&H Card and need one to make hospitality purchases, visit our How to Get a T&H Card Webpage for instructions on how to apply.
Please reach out if you need assistance with making a purchase or navigating a procurement process!
Finance Service Delivery Team Your Finance Service Delivery Team can always be reached by emailing finance_delivery@iastate.edu, but you also have the option to request assistance from your Finance Service Delivery Team by completing one of the following forms that help to gather the information they will need to assist you! - Need to reconcile a P-Card transaction?
- Need to request a Reimbursement and Reconcile T&H Card Transaction?
- Need to request a Non-Catalog Requisition?
- Need to request an Airline Ticket?
These forms and several others can be found in the Finance and Planning Service Portal and help to gather the necessary information your Finance Service Delivery Team needs to assist you with the transaction! Procurement Services In addition to the Procurement Services Help Desk, which can be reached by emailing procurement@iastate.edu or calling 515-294-4860, we also have a Card Services Help Desk and a cyBUY Help Desk! If you are looking for help or have questions regarding your P-Card or T&H Card, you can reach out directly to our Card Services Help Desk (Lesley Lackore, Shari Russell, Rachel Jones) by emailing cardservices@iastate.edu or calling 515-294-7024. If you are looking for help or have questions regarding the cyBUY Marketplace, or an order you have submitted through cyBUY, you can reach out directly to our cyBUY Help Desk (Ella Schau, Lindsey Rosing) by emailing cybuy@iastate.edu or calling 515-294-7568.
Make plans to join Procurement Services for the cyBUY Supplier Show this Fall and the Travel and Event Services Showcase this Winter! The 2023 cyBUY Supplier Show will be held on November 14, 2023, from 10 AM – 2 PM in the Great Hall of the Memorial Union. Plan to bring your ISUCard to check in and be entered into the drawing for door prizes! The cyBUY Supplier Show will provide you with an opportunity to: - See what is available through the cyBUY Marketplace!
- Explore options offered by cyBUY Marketplace Suppliers who will be attending in person!
- Meet the people behind Iowa State University Internal Stores

The Travel and Event Services Showcase will be held on February 15, 2024, from 12 – 3 PM in the Sun Room of the Memorial Union. Plan to bring your ISUCard to check in and be entered into the drawing for door prizes! The Travel and Event Services Showcase will provide you with an opportunity to: - Explore the travel and event services available to Iowa State University Employees!
- Talk directly to representatives from our external suppliers and internal resources who can assist you with planning future events and/or travel!
- Get your travel and event questions answered!

Interested in receiving information like this quarterly? If you found this information helpful and would like to make sure that you receive the Procurement Services Quarterly Newsletter, please visit our Contact Us page and click the red subscribe button at the bottom of the page. |